Strange phenomenon

Ok so I’ve just started noticing this. I have a psychotic and anxiety disorder, right? These past couple weeks my psychosis has been really acting up, as some of you might have noticed. (Still not out of clear yet! Ack!!)

Ok so since my psychosis has gone full swing (I haven’t been this way since summer time) I realized that my anxiety has taken a back seat. It’s the same as it always was, not painful, not debilitating, nothing. This was just a weird thing for me to realize. It seems my psychotic symptoms overpower the anxiety ones.

Since I was at this level of psychosis for…most of my life since I didn’t know what I experienced wasn’t real, it would make sense that I had an anxiety disorder my whole life like my pdoc said and maybe it was just always buried under delusion/paranoia/etc.’

Does anyone else with comorbid disorders notice some of their other symptoms getting buried under the psychotic ones? Honestly I prefer being in crazy town to having that level of anxiety any day.

When I was going through some of my biggest melt downs… the anxiety was gone because there were things I felt I had to do that were so important I just went ahead and did them.

Also when I’m in a manic hit… my anxiety seems to leave…

Also when I’m in a manic hit… my paranoia melts away and so do some of my tactile problems…

But then the delusions are really taking root.

It is interesting how one thing will fade as the other grows stronger.

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I am currently not experiencing Positive symptoms - what is left are some mood symptoms and constant anxiety.
I can become paranoid very easily, when I start getting anxious and I can become anxious, when paranoid they are connected and intertwined.

Anxiety is a constant with me and so is paranoia

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Yeah when I’m not “out” like this my anxiety is constant and all-consuming.

I think the reason why it goes away is because most of it is focused on real world issues. Right now I’m dealing with an entirely different set of problems and I’m more terrified than anxious.

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