Still no desire to get ahold of friend

I guess im doing better. being by myself and all without a need for friends. my friend and I used to hang out once a month but we haven’t hung out for 5 months now. at first I was making excuses to get out of things, or I would leave town, but now I generally don’t want to hang out.

I think the problem is, we’re nothing a like, we used to be roommates and go to bars and stay out all night. then he got serious about his work, got married, and I just heard he is going to adopt a child. plus he has a lot of other friends, so he can only get together about once a month. anyways whereas me, I still like to go to restaurants or have a drink every once in a while, happily single, and no longer desire children. we’ve just grown apart some, but I get the feeling im the only one willing to admit it.

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It’s really good that you’re not taking it personally. Standing O for that?

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haha Im not sure if my lack of desire for social activity deserves a standing O or not. haha. sometimes I do think I might like a roommate. I always picture a sza Cheech and chong duo in my head. a sidekick or something. other times im relieved I live by myself.

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Friends grow apart sometimes and it’s ok. I have one friend that hasn’t grown distant and I met her when we were 5. At this point she’s basically my 2nd sister. She takes with me and my biological sister all the time.

I think it’s healthy to admit that it’s not the same friendship as before and focus on people who are more in synch with where you are now.


The standing o was because I thought you didn’t seem to take his lack of availability personally. Lolol

Still, everyone deserves one. You just met your quota lol

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i had a friend. we got in another argument and parted. he hated me for 14 years and then called. i don’t feel like starting it again after that. faithful are the wounds of a friend, better than secret hatred. I didn’t appreciate his rebukes and I don’t want them now. How can i trust him again. Its confusing but what have we got that hasn’t been destroyed.


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