I gained ten lbs on Latuda so it looks like there’s no such thing as a weight nuetral drug
I have put on weight with Latuda also but Geodon was weight neutral for me.
Ohh this is scary… Im on Latuda but eating normal… I will die if i gain a lot of weight… Geodon worked wonders on my weight but had severe side effects.
You’re unlikely to gain weight on it. That’s a fact. I wouldn’t sweat it. You seem well and good, keep whatever it is you are doing up.
I also gained weight on Latuda while being on a consistent 1500 cal/day diet, same as before I started it. So it’s not like I was jsut eating more. All atypicals cause crazy weight gain for me, but first gens work great for me. I hope the weight gain stops for you soon.
I now gained 5 more lbs and weigh 234. I’m wondering what causes weight gain if Latuda doesn’t effect the histamine receptor
I don’t think Latuda causes weight gain imo, I’ve lost 10 pounds since switching from risperidone to Latuda.
You’re so lucky. I still gain but part of me wonders if it’s risidual risperdal in my system.
I am losing weight on Latuda. Maybe with you it’s a problem of will power.
Most of the atypicals are weight neutral for me. I gained weight on a blood pressure medicine, which kind of defeats the purpose of the drug. I gained weight on Haldol, Prolixin, and Zyprexa. The typicals suck.