Still cant use washer and dryer

this is insane. my in laws refuse to let us use our washer and dryer. whats the point of having it if its just gonna sit in our kitchen and take up room. she admitted the electric bill has dropped since we’ve taken the 6 air conditioners . i like my own washer and dryer

I hear you. Going out to the laundry mat sucks.

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Your inlaws are abusive moneygreedy control freaks.
You, and especially your partner, need to stand up to them


You need to move out of there.


I agree with the others. You are in a bad situation. Getting out of there should be a priority.

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Do you feel trapped there? I understand that. I mean you’ve been putting up with your in laws for a good while now. Why can’t you move?

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You can come over and use my washer and dryer. Problem solved

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Because whenever we have money saved the in-laws always seem to need money

You can’t keep supporting them. It is bad for you. I too think you guys should save your money to get out of there as soon as possible. Stop giving money to your in laws. They are taking advantage of you.


Didn’t you say the other day that their mortgage payment is only like 3 or 400 per month.

How much are you paying in rent?

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They always assume we owe them money for everything. Which is bullshit

I pay 735 dollars my partner pays 780 a month

That is bullshit. They are just trying to take advantage of you. I’m sorry to be rude but that’s what it looks like to me. I hope you guys can get out of there soon. By the way how’s Jasper?

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That’s ridiculous. You can get a nice place for that much money and have a lot less headaches.


You deserve better than that.


Yeah I know but their money goes towards constant projects around the house. Credit card bills, insurance, gas and rent they claim they spend more than 2000 dollars a month.

In jasper is soaking currently. I used my birthday money to buy worms for jasper. I didnt get much just 5 dollars

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Your rent is about my mortgage payment. I’d leave ASAP your in-laws aren’t your responsibility


I still think you and your partner should get out of there. Even if they have a valid reason for wanting the money, they still treat you horribly.


It’s ok for my mother in law to post something like this

But I cant

I hate to say it but i don’ think you’ll ever be happy living there. Moving out, like everybody said, should be a priority. You deserve better.

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