I hope everyone’s well this Christmas Eve and Christmas. I had some symptoms that were kinda scary. I just don’t like it when my father in law treats me like a little kid or that I’m stupid that’s what brought the symptoms on.
He calls me names, makes fun of my illness, weight and says I have no skills in anything other than picking up dog poop
my partner and i have made plans to move we just have to have things to accomplish first. with her tax check she is expecting enough to file bankruptcy. if she keeps getting garnishments we won’t have enough to move out or get a car. next plan by march pay off her fine and get her permit back get insurance too. she has to have really good insurance in order to get her permit back. by september get her license then we can save to get out of her after she finally switches to the nursing home that pays 3 dollars more an hour then her current job. the only reason she hasn’t went to that nursing home yet is because she doesn’t have a set way back and forth from there. but they told her a job is always opened for her there.