There were people outside saying they were going to kill me or beat me up. One guy across sad drop dead ugly ■■■■■. Wtf is going on?
Ignore it. Distract yourself by doing something like cooking or cleaning or reading.
Tomorrow is make blankets etc. crochet day.
MOre than likely its your mind tricking you. When I thought stuff was a simulation, I couldve swore that I heard my mom say “Delete (my moms name)”. Like she was being deleted from the program.
When I asked her about it she said something like “no I said (blah, blah). Talk about paranoid!”
I didnt believe her at the time. I couldve sworn thats what she said. But now it makes no sense. Shes still here and no one has been ‘deleted’. It was all in my head.
I guess I should get into what I started to believe a bit so you understand what I was thinking at the time. I was starting to believe that people could be killed and “respawned” like a game. So even though she was still there, I thought one version of her was killed.
Makes no sense at all, right? But thats the kind of crap we sink into without meds.
Honestly, I had never had audio and video hallucinations prior to this episode, so I guess this is the most drastic as far as symptoms go that I have ever had.
NO more messing with meds for me! :).
Anywho, i guess my point is, sometimes we hear things wrong to fit in with our delusions.
Sounds like a productive, fun thing to do; it’s good to keep busy.
My voices tend to be internal. If they’re external I worry more. Yeah staying on your meds helps.
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