Having an episode and pretty cool with it!

Started having pretty strong delusions again. Basically I believe that I modified my brain and accidentally turned on the microphone in my brain that broadcast the signal to other people to hear my thoughts. I logically know it’s not real but I emotionally believe it. I know the last time I felt this way I started to hear a stadium of people across time and space. But before you worry I’m seeing a psychiatrist in a couple of hours so no worries. The weird thing though is that I’m completely calm, I’m not scared like I was the last time. I think letting fear in without resisting it has really help. There were some moments of fear but I just let it hit me as raw as I could make it and after it beating on me for a little while It started to fade and I was extremely calm. I’m hoping that wasn’t a delusion but with schizophrenia you never know. Any advice while I wait to go see the Pdoc.

I’m apparently “delusional” at the moment too and I’m calm about it. I guess the meds are what is keeping us calm while this is going on.

Good luck at your psychiatrist appointment.

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I saw my pdoc a couple days ago and she told me I was dilusional. I am having a hard time with it cos everyone is telling me I’m dilusional and not believing me.

A familiar fine line.

I use jargon like “theory” or “suspicion” or “gut feeling” for things like that,

It seems that this is something that neurotypical people also experience, and those are the words they tend to use for it. When they have the feeling that something is true, even though they know they don’t have any evidence or proof, and even if they know that it doesn’t sound logical.

I think it is just a much trickier line to walk for people with psychosis issues, because it’s much easier for us to fall over the line into “know it’s true without any evidence” (delusion) territory.

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thanks man just came back. Hope this second med works out.

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