I start 2mg of melatonin tonight. Picked it up from pharmacy today. I’m a bit anxious about it. But my psychiatrist is sound and I don’t think she would ever prescribe something detrimental to my health.
Im giving it a months go/trial and then meeting with her to discuss how it’s going and my annual review.
It’s not something to worry much about. In many countries including mine you can buy it over the counter as it’s regarded more a supplement than a medication.
I use about 0.7mg which works good for me. Higher than 1mg is counterproductive in my case. In the case of melatonin often less is better. The body is supposed to make somewhere between 0.5-1mg on it’s own when not impaired.
If you need to for example readjust your sleep cycle, you might want to use more let’s say 3-5 mg for up to a week, but actually 1-2 mg is just about right if your circadian rhythm is already locked in, or in other words you don’t need to go to sleep sooner than the days before.