Have any of you had experience with melatonin?

I’m tired of tense, sleepless nights and although I can make up for it during the day, I’m considering taking melatonin. Any advice would be appreciated.

It doesn’t work well for me. It helps me to relax but I don’t get any sleepier.

Doesn’t work for me either :cold_sweat:. However, I’ve slept more the past few days because I’ve just needed to I guess

How many milligrams did you take? I would be glad just to relax.

When I want to relax a bit, I take 5-10 mg. However when I just started I only took 3 mg.

I wonder if I’m just not needing so much sleep. It’s a little confining here because we’re not allowed to be up and about from 11pm to 9am. I can be up if I stay in my room.

I tried melatonin 3mg before bed 3 times. It doesn’t work for me. Like what @anon62973308 said It makes me relaxed but not sleepy.

I take 10mg of melatonin in combination with 1mg of Klonopin and 50mg of Benadryl/diphenhydramine. It puts me to sleep.

I took 3mg melatonin at bedtime, i slept till next day evening. I still woke up middle of the night while taking it.

I take melatonin zinc and magnesium. They help me together

I take 1.5mg.

It doesn’t help me fall asleep, but it does keep me sleeping throughout the night.

I take 3 mg of melatonin every night and I sleep between 11 and 12 hours.

They gave me melatonin last time i was in the hospital but it didn’t really do anything for me. I’m not sure what the dosage was.

Didn’t do anything for me. I took 10mg.

@PinCushion I’m considering it also since I’m not sleeping through the night anymore.

It worked for awhile but now it doesn’t. Now that I’m on clozapine I sleep a bit better. Not consistent though

Melatonin is prduced by your pineal gland in your brain and increases with darkness. One of the mechanisms of melatonin is to inhibit microtubules in the brain. These are cellular tubes that push your neurotransmtters from the inside to the outside of the cell. This decreases your exciteatory chemicals and makes you sleepy.

I’ve used melatonin for years with great success - even for a quick nap before flipping into nights. At least for me it doesn’t leave that groggy feeling from other sleeping meds. If “sleep latency” (time from lay-down to doze-off) is a problem, I’ve had a lot of success with a 30 mg dose of mirtazapine.

I’ve done a lot of reading on the topic, and I’m also pretty convinced that melatonin has much more therapeutic benefit than ‘we’ largely realize.

I take 9 mg, but that’s a very high dose. My body doesn’t produce melatonin naturally, because of my brain tumor.

@PinCushion, try L-theanine. There’s research which shows that

Our results suggest that l-theanine is effective in ameliorating positive symptoms and sleep quality in schizophrenia.