SSDI phone appointment tmw

Hi all :wave:

So I have an appointment with the SSA tomorrow by telephone.

I was wondering if anybody has been through such experience and perhaps give me an input on what they ask in the appointment after submitting forms??

What type of questions they will have…

What are they looking for?

Does anybody know?

Thank you kindly,


They called me when I applied for benefits. They just told me I had to see their pdoc . And had made an appointment for me. All the questions came at that appointment

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Hmm interesting… I’ve not heard of that yet…

How’s it different from my usual pdoc?

Went over my medical history then administered some tests. Memory and cognitive tests went over my work history also

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Did everybody on SSDI experience this?

There are YouTube videos regarding these appointments and what to expect. You should check them out

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Okay thanks will do… I just wanted to hear people’s story

Yes I am kinda suprised no one has spoken up.

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You did! I appreciate your input really.

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