My disability claim is up for review

And I know what my pdoc will do when they contact her: she’ll tell them she wants me to volunteer somewhere.

But will my pdoc understand that I can’t do anything at all physical? My sweating problem is really incredible and I am in terrible physical shape having quit my long walks many years ago.

And I’m crazy enough to try and do some stupid job like filing? Will I fail? My main voice is against it but then he told another voice tonight he wasn’t going to let me outside anymore witch would kill me so I have to keep up the good fight.


Where I go, the drs recommend trying to work less than substantial gain so you can keep your benefits. I guess I’m lucky.b although. Maybe that’s just for me. I’m not sure


your pdoc should be able to help you get disability and probably knows you can’t work…on my review I always urged they know I can’t concenrate or sit still for longer than five mins. instant renewal…don’t worry I bet it will be fine.


I’ve had one review. Had to do an interview but that was about it. I think I’m too old and been on the pension so long they just don’t bother anymore touch wood. Ours is a different system but I’d imagine get your doctor to give you some help.

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Social Security, after 5 years or so of not hearing from them, sent me a questionnaire asking about my appointments and hospitalizations and saying that I was going to need to have a review. I submitted their 2 page document along with a 2 page printed addendum with all of my appointments for the last 3 years. It was staggering. Just the other day I received a letter from them telling me that they don’t need to do a review at this time. I guess the number of appointments alone speaks to the severity of my disability.


Yeah, mine was similar…after filling out the form asking about appointments and hospitalizations, Social Security sent me a letter saying that an interview wasn’t needed. I guess I’m too f**ked up to need a real review.


I get my review on the 7th year. It’s been 2.5 years. I’ll be almost 50 then.

I assume I will just stay on disability permanently.

You think you are able to work @Jinx ?

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My community nurse wrote me a brilliant letter and I haven’t had to attend and disability reviews. I’ve been on disability since I was 17 and never attended a face to face review. With work related benefits i had to attend one and was told I shouldn’t been called as they could see I was severely disabled after they read a letter from my community nurse. My pdoc and community nurse never mention anything about me working so am able to travel freely. I’m under the intellectual disability team I think that’s why.

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I get reviewed every couple of years. I guess I look too functional having studied, volunteered with sz. I’m also only 35 which is young for permanent disability here. It would be a relief to get approved for a longer time but since I’m probably starting a Master’s in January that won’t happen.

Sometimes I’m worried about losing my disability.

Good luck with your review!

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Good luck!

I had one recently, and I had to send evidence in within 4 weeks, then it took about 6 months to be looked at.

It’s a worrying thing.

Not sure where you are, but here in England they awarded me 6 years instead of the 2 originally, and increased the payments

One thing I regret is not fighting for the higher payment previously. I got something, and did not want to rock the boat. But maybe I should have tried at the time.

Just grateful for what I can get, as it all helps.

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My (s)daughter filled mine in and sent it off back in January. Still not heard whether successful or not. Think they’re going to take it away . My brother had his, which he’d had for many years, taken away. He has HIV related psychosis. My sister helps him quite a lot.


I would assume if you had it can’t you take it to a tribunal?

As I said I know what she is going to say, that I need a volunteer job. I have no worries.

Got my Enhanced PIP and ESA for 10 years. Never has a face-to-face assessment in 25 years. Its all about the evidence. Probably why i brown nose the CMHT, cos you never know when you’re going to need them to write a letter: :stuck_out_tongue:

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That for me is the problem. It shouldn’t be about how well you fill in the form,or someone else does for you. When services are being cut re those who can help with form filling it 's those who need the most help that are those most likely to be denied the benefit.


Hey firemonkey how are you? I’m going to get my therapist to help me fill the form out when she calls today. I need to know when my last three appointments were.

I’m doing reasonably well today. The DWP are taking ages over the review. It’s been 9 months. How are you doing?

My reviews were supposed to be every seven years or so. Never had one. Went back to work in 2019 and it got turned off. Got it turned back on last year but they didn’t say when I would be reviewed now. Guess I will have to wait and see.

Good luck :four_leaf_clover:


I’m doing remarkably well. I’m just not giving power to the voices. I feel I’m on the other side of the mountain.

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