Got a call from social security

Social security called me to set up a phone appointment about my disability case. Now that both my parents though it only takes one have put in their social security paperwork and because I was disabled before the age of 22 I’ll get to draw from theirs based on their income. I don’t know how this is going to affect my disability other than I’m suppose to get more money. The appointment is in the beginning of may. I’ll ask some questions then. I’m stoked cause I may get more money.


oh yayyy…cool man…


Yeah I didn’t have to do anything or they contacted me. I did give my dad my information when he was filling out his paperwork. I was kinda wondering how all this would play out.

I always thought that social security will not call you at home.

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Have to agree with @77nick77 . I am on ssdi and soc security has never called me either during applying or after recieving ssdi. It’s always been through the mail when they make decisions and whatnot.

Doesn’t sound right.


Your call may be perfectly legit but here’s some more information:


It was social security. The appointment showed up in my messages on my social security account online.

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Good luck with the meeting. It’s always nice to get some extra.

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@ericsbat I’m very happy for you that you will be able to get more from your disability.

I was disabled before 22 it affected me badly but it probably wasn’t well documented enough so I don’t think I can qualify for extra anything.

I’m so glad for you though! Disability income is not very much, so any bit more helps a lot!! Awesome news!!


Sounds like what I get, have you ever worked? If not it’ll be ssdi, I get partly as well because my dad is on SSI now.

I only get like 500 a month but got approved after first time trying, it happened so quick and I got like 10 grand in back pay.

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Yeah idk I may get some backpay I think depending on how long it takes from the initial application. Unless they do it different. I’m on ssi now cause I didn’t have enough work credit. I’m worried that it will bump me up to ssdi, but idk yet. I’ll figure it out when I get there.

I think it goes by at what age you started receiving social security. I was 21 when I got approved so I qualify under their rules.

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i got a letter for the same thing since one of my parents put in retirement paperwork. for me tho my SSDI amount will actually be less than my SSI amount but will probably be supplemented to the SSI amount with SSI. or not. depends on if i pay rent. but the SSDI amount for me will be about 90 dollars less than im getting in SSI. but i still think thats better cause SSDI u can earn some money if u can and it doesnt cut the amount the same as SSI and u can have more resources and stuff. i think SSDI is better.

theyve been sending letters to my parent about it but no one has called me :frowning: i guess im supposed to call and do the application to switch it over.

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I hope my check doesn’t get lowered. That’d be crappy. My dad should get a pretty nice check with the amount of taxes he’s paid.

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yeah i was 19 when i got SSI and they found me disabled at age 10. it helps if u got SSI before age 22 cause then they can look at their own findings to make the decision.

you will get 50% of what he gets when he retires and 75% of his amount when he dies. so depends on his amount

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Yeah give them a call. When my dad was filling out his paperwork it was part of his application process or a box or question to check or something. I ended up having to send him a benefit letter to include with the paperwork. I guess I’m saying it was part of his process.

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my parent got their retirement SS approved but they have decided to probably work one more year so im kinda confused but i think i gotta wait til its closer to when their SS will be active before i apply. all i know is i think once its active i have 30 days to apply for SSDI/DAC or they will stop the SSI.

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Wow that’s good news. I have no idea what he’ll get but he is a high earner. He’s been a lawyer with his own practice for 40 years. He does estate planning.

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