I’m spoiling our dogs until we decide what to do about one of our dogs who regularly bites to the point of drawing blood. We are giving him up to a rescue that has foster homes and training to dogs in their care. We have him on a 10 day quarantine (at our home) per state regulations. It’ll be so hard to give up Barkley
I’m so sorry for your loss @LilyoftheValley. That is so sad! It is good to hear that you don’t need to put him down!
Thanks @FlyingPurplePeopleMeeter
Yes, I’m sorry for your loss @LilyoftheValley.
I was heartbroken when I gave my last dog to the shelter.
Thanks @Wave. It means a lot
I’m so sorry. It’s good that you are giving him up to a rescue. Again, I’m so sorry. *hugs
Thanks @melmel7!!!
Awww…that is truly so very sad to hear. What breed of dog is he? I actually breed dogs so dogs are my life and the only kids I have. It would totally rip my heart out to have to give one of them up. But I am very glad to hear there is an alternative to putting him down. Still though…I’m very sorry to hear you have to give him up!
Sorry you have to give up your dog @LilyoftheValley. It is good that you found a rescue place to take him though. Stay strong.
Thanks @Persia. He’s a Lhasa apso who was abused before we got him. He can be super sweet but will suddenly bite sometimes. I’ve never had a biter like this before, and given the number of times he’s bitten I’m obviously ill-equipped to handle it.
Thanks @disciple!!!
Giving up a pet is heartbreaking. I’m sorry you have to go through this. Sounds like you’ve made a good decision. ((Hugs))
Thanks @FatMama!!!
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