Pray for my sisters dog

She’s only 3 1/2 but she’s had a lot of health problems. She was on antibiotics and Prozac. She bit like 3-4 people. Well she wasn’t eating from taking meds it’s just a mess of a situation. Poor doggy she’s so sweet to me but apparently has impulsive biting issues and stuff. She might have to be put down, she might die from an infection, a lot of bad things going this doggies way.


I’m so sorry @Jonnybegood.
Sending good thoughts your way.

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Sorry @Jonnybegood, that’s really sad. I had a Lhasa Apso with a biting problem. I searched around and found a lady who specializes in Lhasa Apsos that bite. She retrains them to not bite and then adopts them out. If they can’t be retrained and still bite, she keeps them forever. She’s been sending me videos and pictures too. I’m just saying this because they don’t always have to be put down.

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Sending positive vibes to your sister’s dog, that sounds like a challenging time for the dog :frowning:

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Hmm. Can your sister allow her dog to wear a muzzle that doesn’t hurt her dog’s mouth? There’s also a leash version. It can be useful to help your dog get used to the surroundings around her.
If her dog is a rescue, this is a common reaction from newer rescued dogs. My dog was like this for a while but he eventually became extremely friendly, active, and sweet.

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It’s a rescue dog but she got her very young. It’s also an Australian cattle dog/Sheppard mix. Which is supposed a breed with a lot more issues than other breeds apparently she says. She’s being trained by professionals but it’s not paying off. She has to be boarded up for the wedding party next month.

oh wow, okay. So for my dog, he’s 6 years old now. However, it took us a good 3 years to get him used to his surroundings and be less afraid. There’s a chance that she might be really scared because everything scares her.

My dog was brought home when he was only 8 months old but he still has traumatic responses and often do not know how to interact with other dogs. Rescues don’t get used to the surroundings very well. It’s because they experienced traumas, such as being abandoned, abused, etc. I would say to give this dog lots and lots of love, and make her feel safe. It sounds like she’s trusting your sister and you (whom she knows that it’s her family) but she’s not so sure on how to react when she sees others.

Oh also- there is a rescue pet parents group on facebook. This is a group open to owners who have a rescued dog and they’ll be really open to help her.

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The weird thing she bit my mom, my brother in law and my sister. My brother in law had to get plastic surgery and she got my mom pretty bad on the wrist too. She was definitely spoiled well maybe you’re right about the fear thing. My sister seemed to think spoiling her less would help. They used to give her scrambled eggs each morning but no more. She’s gotten worse since then. She used to bite small dogs but now it’s her family of humans she’s been biting. She lives with a cat and she used to be scared of the cat. And my parents cat she’s scared of too. I just feel so bad. My sister has a lot on her plate lately as well too with other things.

That’s really sad, @Jonnybegood. I’m so sorry.

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Thank you @FlyingPurplePeopleMeeter you’re very kind

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