He was a biter. We found him in terrible condition when he was young on the streets.
So after he bit quite a few people including kids, I found a lady who specializes in retraining Lhasa Apsos who bite.
She has kept him the last few years. He’s now about 14 years old
Anyway, he’s so sick he’s lost over 30% of his body weight in the last 3 weeks!
The vet has been trying different things but nothing is helping.
He’s back at the vet now. They’re testing him for cancer and other things. I’m thinking it’s probably time to put him down. I hope not, but I don’t want him to suffer so immensely
I tend to agree @jukebox , but he’s not my dog anymore so I have no say in the matter. But if he doesn’t start feeling better within a few days from the new meds he got today, I’m going to ask her to reconsider. I don’t want him to suffer anymore