Spanish flu, an interesting video


Interesting video. All I ever saw in the History books I read was a policeman with a mask on directing traffic and a brief caption talking about the “Spanish flu”. Much more press was given to the less lethal war that preceded it (though no less tragic). I hope the second wave of covid-19 looks like the one on the graph with a smaller apex but like the video said pandemics vary. This pandemic appears to be the biggest event of my life so far and yet all I’ve done is sit here at the group home most of the time wondering what is really going on out there. In order to merely visit our families for one day during Thanksgiving we will have to quarantine for 14 days when we come back. I guess considering that the death toll has surpassed 1 million Worldwide that is probably fairer than it seems to be.

What scares me is the thought that we might get hit with another, more deadly, pandemic. Covid 19 could be just a dress rehearsal.

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Maybe when we eat “god knows” instead of bats. I dunno, jungle mosquito soup.

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That’s very interesting… the 2nd part to that video, with Trevor Noah, shows how stubborn we are, even when faced with mortality. Thanks for sharing, @mjseu!

Either the northern governments are lying (I’ve heard however that Canada’s population in the north is sparse) or this is a warm weather disease primarily no doubt assisted by Global Warming (or whatever the reason I haven’t seen a good snow in almost 3 years is.)

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