I calmed down a lot and talked to my case manager for awhile she brought me my meds. She said though if my father in law becomes emotionally abusive or even remotely abusive while I’m recovering from my ankle surgery and coresive towards me to do chores that she will report him and have me removed from the house
I sincerely hope you do report him. You need to be in a safe environment!
Oh man. I hope things improve for you and your partner so u can get out of there. I feel your FiL is such a bitter person. It’s not like you guys live there for free.
My partner has tried to convince them to take it easy on me after the surgery. My partner is gonna have to do my chores. Now I found out that recovery from the surgery may take longer than originally estimated because of my weight
Let he recovery take as long as it takes. Don’t let anyone pressure you into doing work before your doctor says you’re ready. You don’t want to end up in a wheelchair!
Wow, I’m hoping the best for you @cbbrown.
Good for your case manager.
You need to be in a safe environment.
We care about you here.
I don’t know who sings this really corny song remember it starts “I want to break free” queen I believe. That song reminds me of u ccbrown
Good, because if you are not careful you could damage the ankle permanently.
But if you told your in-laws that, they would not care.
haha I hope they do remove you from the house…best thing that could possibly happen to you and your partner…!!
@cbbrown You have to take time for yourself and heal . Don’t do anything but rest and light activity. Even if someones bulling you tell to F@@#$@#$@#$ you know. Your health is important. If not for you but for your partner as well.
Hoping things improve for you.
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