I haven’t been diagnosed and although hold all symptoms and relate to much of this, I feel like I am perpetrating into something there is a chance I am not a piece of. And I feel bad about it? I am sorry (Also I feel like an attention whore typing this out whoops) So I guess I am not gonna post anymore unless I get diagnosed so I know i’m not just messing people up
As far as I know, you are not “messing” anyone’s up and you are welcomed to post and read and find support on this site.
There are lots of members who are not officially diagnosed…heck, there are also few of us who are diagnosed but not with sz and we’re all here, sharing experiences and love
You should keep posting if it is helping you! No one cares if you are diagnosed or not. Don’t shy away from posting, you’re very welcome here.
I’m not diagnosed.
I always worry about people not liking me for that reason, or being annoyed by me. but I post anyway bc I love everyone here and I really don’t care
I don’t think you bother people, it’s alright to post. Welcome again
No one minds…you and ra are good for this site…no worries…
Please feel free to continue to post. Cheers!
As you can see we all say keep posting. One of the good things about sz is we all feel judged by others so we don’t try to be the judgers ourselves.
I feel like a fake too. That I just make things up. But then my voices remind me I’m sz. When things go well I think I’m cured. Or wait, is that lack of insight? Maybe then I’m getting worse. Mind tricking and mind games. That’s what it is about for me. My mind is tricking me.
Welcome to the forum.
Please keep posting
The only catch is that those who don’t have a current or past formal diagnosis (from a medical doctor) of Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder are asked to refrain from posting in the DX’d Sz/A forum. That is limited to those who have been diagnosed with the condition.
Volunteer moderator.
THATS EXACTLY WHAT I DO!!! I will think im fine the second things are okay and then stuff will get bad and i thin that maybe im just making it up and then everything gets twisted in my mind because I can’t tell.
Hi @Lukeisokay, its okay to not have a formal diagnosis. a few members on here don’t. have you tried meds for your symptoms? if i’m butting in let me know I just hated that stage of my life where I was undiagnosed and without meds. symptoms were out of control.
I don’t have access to medication and it would be difficult to get a diagnostic of any kind. It hasn’t completely wrecked through my life, like i can still function enough to get school work done, but it is pretty awful aha. Sorry and Thank you @cbbrown
i’m sorry I didn’t mean to be rude. its just I have a hard enough time functioning with meds and I can’t imagine what you must go through daily. I hope you are doing well in school.
Nobody posts in that section anyways lol
Hey Jon - I do often … I guess my new name is Nobody
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