Should I stay or should I go?

Should I stop posting on this forum? Please be honest with me. I don’t need to be humored.
I see from time to time that some (feels like many) on here believe that if you function without meds then you don’t have sz. I have read this on some threads and I’ve had that statement directed at me personally.
I’ve experienced life in a way that is not normal. I have had/have what I admit are hallucinations, etc. (visual, audio and tactile) and struggle with things that “fit” with sz.
When I was diagnosed with sz at a psychiatric clinic I went to, and subsequently studied what that meant, I felt like I had been given an answer to a question (what’s wrong with me) that I and others had been asking for over 30 years.
Finding this forum was another epiphany of sorts because never before had I met people who had such similar and same experiences.
I have read about sz being a spectrum disorder, thus explaining why I survived all these years without meds.
But I absolutely do not say/condone or support anyone who does need meds to stop taking them. If I thought they would improve my life, I would take them too. But I have muddled through, with much therapy (especially CBT) and many failings in my life… I’m not a terribly happy person, and I have not/will never reach what might have been my potential.
Anyway, I feel tired of the phrase “if you don’t need meds, then you don’t have sz”. I was diagnosed and it’s a fit. I hold it tightly because it’s my only explanation that allows me a reasonable answer to all of my struggles…
But I don’t want to be on here if I’m making anyone uncomfortable or even doubtful. This is a primarily med-taking community, rightfully so, and if I don’t belong then I don’t belong.


I’ve been offended by this statement also.

And when people say I’m too high functioning to have schizophrenia.

I wasn’t on meds until a month ago and odds are real good I’m about to be off them again.

As long as we don’t encourage others off their meds, we’re okay.

Don’t worry about not fitting in around here, you do, I’ve always valued your input and enjoyed your posts.

We all feel occasionally that we don’t fit in for whatever reason…

Relax, no one doesn’t want you here,

And if they don’t,

I’ll kick their asses.


for me sz was not a revelation, it had little to do with the development of my personality and it set me back significantly personally and socially, striking during a formative period for me.

in a way i feel like it was forced upon me, by god, my genetics, or my environment. im extremely bitter about this.

it really struck at an unexpected time, it certainly struck hard and fast and has had huge repercussions.

if you can relate at all to this description i would say you have sz for sure, but then again sz is different for everyone. some are devilitated completely while others still remain with some amount of ability.

we also vary in our need to take and propensity to benefit from medications. this goes naturally with the brain and thought process being extremely complex and variable compared to other body systems.

if i were you i would stop second guessing whether or not i belong here. if you’ve gone through negative positive or cognitive or disorganized or affective symptoms before you have a mental ilness.

maybe it isnt the textbook pharmaceutically treatable schizophrenia, but it is mental illness nonetheless. so i would say you belong here.


I think it is part of the mental illness, always thinking we don’t belong or don’t fit in anywhere. You should stay,


I don’t think I belong anywhere. But I still post here. Stay around @Hedgehog.


Please stay @Hedgehog.


I really appreciate the responses. Who would want to belong to this group when you really think about it, but I’ve never belonged anywhere else so much as here. Thanks for kind and supportive comments.


Hi beautiful lady! Ignore those statements, they’re narrow minded.

I feel connected to you in a lot of ways and find comfort from you and would hate if you weren’t around. We have a lot in common with our protectors, your angel, my shadow man.

I think it’s admirable that you don’t take meds and you’re able to work and run a household, it’s what I’m aiming for. I think that’s the point of recovery, to be on as little meds as possible while still being able to function in the real world.

Don’t let anyone make you feel like you’re not being honest about your diagnosis and that you don’t belong here, because you’re a ray of sunshine that this place needs.


Hi @Hedgehog, don’t let anyone drive you off. Personally, I get a good vibe from your posts, you seem nice enough. But you know your condition better than anyone else and if you have been diagnosed with schizophrenia than “it is what it is”. It’s kind of ironic having to defend that you have a seriously disabling disease if you know what I mean. But anyways, it’s unfortunate if anyone is hassling you but it is probably mostly out of ignorance and not knowing the facts. It’s a fact that not every schizophrenic has to take meds.

I am pro-med but a place I lived at in the 1980’s called Soteria House was a group home who’s premise was that schizophrenics could recover better without meds or hospitalizations (They only gave meds for emergencies. And hospitals were for emergencies too.) There’s a lot of details I won’t get into but they put us in a fairly nice home in a nice neighborhood with friendly young counselors. Anyways, they claimed a success rate higher than hospitals. (I’m not encouraging anyone by this to go off their meds. The founders were doctors and professionals who would not let anyone be hurt).

My personal opinion is to stay here. You’re not causing the problem, it is the other people who question you. I’m racking my brains but I don’t have a solution for you. I don’t know how to handle those people who question you. How often do they bug you?

But your main point here is that you are tired of ignorance and having to defend yourself. All I can think of is to find a link somewhere for a website online from a reputable source that succinctly, and clearly says that not all schizophrenics need medication. And just keep that handy and when people try to tell you that you are not schizophrenic because you don’t take meds than post the link.


Please stay @Hedgehog.
You belong here among friends.


Hello Hedgehog,

I am on meds, and you don’t make me feel uncomfortable in any way.

I’m sorry if you feel like an outsider here.

A lot of old users are leaving/or have left.

I understand though. Some people move on. Or there are issued with the Mods. etc.

My goal is to be in your shoes one day. (Be married, be off meds, etc.).

And I value your input among the community here.

Take care :v:


I value your contributions to the forum and hope you stay.:grinning:


That phrase pisses me off more than anything. Like they don’t know our struggles. Unfortunately a lot of people have the meds are the only way mindset.
I can’t go on meds because of childhood trauma myself and it’s difficult like stupidly difficult to even function at times but I keep trying and I’m hoping I never have to go on the meds.
I’m sorry people have been giving you a hard time. Please stay you seem very nice! I’m bad at saying things I hope this made sense!


Hey @Hedgehog dont go …i always liked ur post… as u are diagnosed sz…its ur right to stay here…ur valuable member of this forum…god bless u and ur family…how is ur son doing hedge…how many kids do u have …!!!

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You know on a Discord Server my friends and I are in, one person left and we made a channel in that server into a shrine that we offer our “GET BACK HERE” type stuff. Don’t leave or I’ll have to make a @Hedgehog Shrine to offer you back :laughing:

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I just have one son, @far_cry0. I had to divorce his dad when he was just a baby. I didn’t date when he was little and never wanted more kids. He’s doing well, thanks.


U are remarried again right hedgehog…??? Hope u have a beautiful life ahead…do u still teach kids…
Once i tried to teach disabled kids …unfortunatly head teacher fired me cause i was no good for the job… but i am looking for voluntery services in my city there are very less oppertunity…i am tired of this life… to our surprise my negative symptoms has improved …

Btw i have been learning cooking with my loving mum … i with the help of my mom cook food… do u cook food at ur home @Hedgehog .


Look up Wesley Willis. He had sz bad. Like real severe. And his doctors wanted him off meds. Meds shouldn’t be a requisite for a diagnosis - that is just cruel.


@Hedgehog I think you should keep posting. We’re all different and everything that’s posted isn’t going to make everyone happy. The more the merrier. I have zero symptoms so I can relate to some people only because of my past. But if I go off my meds It all comes back, but im glad to see your post. And don’t think anyone should be excluded over something like sometimes meds just don’t help some people.


I second @anon20613941 saying…some people can live without medication like my father …my father never took psy med for life but he function quite well …he managed to work full time with the diseases…i take med but i cant function well enough …hahah its our fate… take care @Hedgehog…ur sweet…keep up your fight…