Something weird going on

Effing roommate making me uncomfortable. The dude is like a radar for sex. It’s impossible to think about women without the guy tuning in on it. You give people a ■■■■■■■ molecule of weakness and they use your niceness to use you. He’s crazy and after a week here I hate him.

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Roommate from the rubber room!


Is it possible that’s distorted thinking? Hope you’re doing ok other than that.


**You may just be stressed @77nick77…is there a room to be had by yourself?
My sis just bought a house for my son-nothing fancy-just right for him though. He doesnt do well with having neighbors. When you are up to it, check out That might be a great and permanent home for you! PLUS-it can be as big or small as you want. Youll save so much money on utilities…
Just a thought, and don`t let anything get to you :v: **


Dude… I know… Are you also aware of the large number of subtle trolls on this website? People think they can do whatever they want… Just don’t listen to them and don’t talk to them.

Here’s a Bible verse for you if you feel comforted by that sort of thing:

Matthew 7:6
 6"Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.  -Jesus

…And trust me, you’re not alone I know this intimately.

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My neighbors are druggies who sometimes upset me!


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HAHA!!! LOL Don’t get me started on that. God damn fiends.

Dude ■■■■ him.

15 characters.

For example, my downstairs neighbors thought I was making too much noise and banged on my door until the glass broke. That was 10 days ago, and they still haven’t fixed the glass.
