Some damn weird stuff going on here

I think it’s the tip of the ice berg. It’s 1:00 a.m. where I’m living. I’m alone in the dining room right now where everybody eats. There’s a big 33 gallon garbage can where we all scrape off whatever we didn’t eat on our plates at meals at every meal. I’ve been sitting at this table for an hour and two people have walked in and dug deep into the rotten garbage can for some scraps of food. It freaks me out.

Three weeks ago I was sitting in this same place and a man and a women came in and started masturbating in front of each other while I sat 9 feet away. Holy crap Batman, there is unrest in the Gotham City household.

My roommate bought two bottles of hard liquor and keeps it in our room. I don’t need this sht. I’m 55 years old, and I’m an exausted addict and struggling with my mental and physical and emotional health. There’s theft going on. I don’t need this sht.

Oh well, I got my car and I don’t have to be here all day.

Tip of the iceberg.

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Sorry Nick, I know it can’t be easy.


Whew! Sounds pretty rough. I’ve been so far down I have eaten out of dumpters before. It’s a lot more dangerous to do it during the summer when it is hot. I’m glad those days are over.

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Wow. Just wow. Thats some sh*t dude. Im sry you have to experience this. Hopefully tomorrow will better and each day after better than the last. Good luck.

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Wow @77nick77
Do you live in a group home?
I am going to a group home soon, is this the kind of stuff that I can expect?

I have been hearing horror stories about some group homes, I am really having second doubts about going now.

I might be better off in my own place.

If your own place have problems, then group home can be a choice.

Dang bro. I hope things get better for you. Sending you much positivity :v:

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Sorry man. The problem with sharing housing with other mentally ill people is that they are mentally ill people. We’re like beta fish – shouldn’t ever be in the same fish bowl.


I’m definitely living independently when I grow up, group home horror stories such as these really put me off.

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I’ve considered the group home option. Mainly because I’m isolated and there would be company in a group home . The thing that puts me off is the degree of independence I would lose going the group home route. I guess I want independence but with more support.
The other thing putting me off is the thought of losing internet access if I went in a group home.
I am not sure how group homes in the UK are set up for that kind of thing.


wow, that is some heavy story dude…I’m sorry you are so down.


I am pretty sure that the Charity that I was admitted to is a top quality organization.
The group homes are nice houses in good neighborhoods.
There is going to be a lot of support and my own personal transportation if I need it.
Also I will be in a single room.
I am kind of looking forward to it.

I hope that they allow me to keep my iPhone


All group homes are different @Wave. There’s good ones and bad ones. How good they are depends on many factors. Location, the people who run it, who they let live there, the physical condition of the house, the ages of the residents, and other things. Some are nice, some aren’t. Don’t let me scare you.

I lived in one for 5 years in the nineties. It was clean and safe and comfortable. I thrived there. It was one of the most productive times in my life. The owners did all the cooking and cleaning. Our only responsibilities was to do our own laundry (on the premises) and keep out own rooms clean, show up for meals and don’t make any messes.

The owners were an older couple who kept everyone in line. If you didn’t cause trouble than they didn’t bother you. If you caused trouble for other residents, than they stepped in and smoothed over the conflict. The food was good, there was a nice yard, a large TV, and a cabinet full of movie videos which were first run movies. I’m sorry if I worried you. My advice is to shop around and visit different homes and ask questions. There’s good ones out there. But you have to put out a little effort to find them.


Thanks @77nick77
Yes I will go visit these places and I plan to call my Supervisor who is in charge of Housing and I will ask a lot of questions.

@77nick77 can you apply for another setting?
I wish you the best man… I’m always comforted you’ve gone before me in recovery. Ty

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