Lately things feel off again and I’ve been hallucinating more and paranoid. I have a lot going on with my roommate and it’s been driving me up a wall.
How long have you had a roommate
It’s only been 3 weeks but it’s been hell
Oh that’s not good. What are they doing?
Once you get him out of there then maybe you’ll feel better. I advise screening your next potential roommates better. Will this guy be out in a week?
@Turtle44 he is getting poop all over my bathroom and berating me when I confront him about r and he threatened to steal my animals. Seems delusional about the state of my house saying the filthy when I clean regularly.
@77nick77 I just decided to try to not get a roommate. I think he’s planning on staying his full 30 days notice which puts me at Nov 18
Wtf? How, I mean using a toilette isn’t exactly rocket science!!?
I dunno lol. I’m not trying to be mean about this but he weighs probably 500 lbs and drinks alcohol.
I feel like demons are after me but I know that sounds at least illogical
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