Something has changed

The nurse came in and told me they were going to give me something to help me sleep and that she was going to see if I could get another dose of Diazepam.

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So, how are you doing now? Did they give you meds? Are you back home now?

I am back home. Thank you for asking :slight_smile:
I have a pdoc appointment on Nov. 8. Will probably get meds then.

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Are you feeling any better?

Yes, but the akathesia is killing me… Figuratively speaking ofc.

Well hopefully your doc can find something that doesn’t give you that problem. I’m glad you’re not panicking anymore, though.

Me too.
My current pdoc is a f-ing moron though.

Are you allowed to look for a different one, or get referred elsewhere? Or are you stuck with whoever is in your area? I don’t know how the health system is over there.

Well, this far up north in Sweden it can be hard to find a private pdoc. I am stuck with the public ones, which are usually very good, but not this one. If I want to switch to a different psychosis team, I will have to be treated in a different city. I am on the other hand, going to submit a complaint to the person in charge of all the psychiatric teams and ask to switch to my old team. But first I want a prescription for a medication, so that the doctor doesn’t decide to punish me for complaining.

I doubt he would punish you for complaining. He could lose his license if he did that. But I understand you wanting to cover all your bases.

I think she was pissed off that I knew a lot about neuroleptics and stuff. She got annoyed that I had heard about Latuda before her. I bet she could in trouble for ignoring me and knowingly not giving me meds for 3 weeks, even though my file had been tagged as urgent - twice!

It’s good that you’re highly educated about the meds. Do you know which one you want to try this time?

Latuda. I have wanted Latuda since before it was approved in the EU.
The reason I know so much about these meds, is because I wanted to be a pdoc before I got ill and couldn’t work or study anymore. I find it interesting to read about that kind of stuff. That, and playing World of Warcraft is pretty much all the fun I have now. I am not the same person I was before sz :frowning:

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