I can hear the girl outside raving and making racist comments. Last night some guy was right outside my door cussing me out and threatening me. I ended up going to my sisters house to spend the night until he cooled down. I’ve spent years in places like this and it didn’t bother me. But I’m not 19 anymore, I’m 56.
That’s kinda scary @77nick77. Can you let the board and care home owners know what’s going on? Maybe they can intervene.
Yeah, thanks @Moonbeam, that’s my next move. I’ve rarely had this problem before in the homes I’ve been in. There’s friendly folk here but it’s probably the worst place I’ve been in. I made up my mind before I moved in that I would ask for help from the owners and staff to give me help this way. At the place I lived in down the street, I used to see a grown men complain about their roommates and asking for help. I used to laugh to myself to see grown men complaining to the staff and asking for help. But with my crippled back, and other problems it is no laughing matter and I will have to bite the bullet and ask for help.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Would you be able to move back to the other room and board if it was a better living situation there?
My old place when I lived there consisted of three buildings that housed us. One building housed the more independent, higher functioning people. The other two buildings were for more dependent tenants. I was in the first one. But the owners turned our building into dependent living to and all 6 or 7 of us were asked to leave. Even if they let me back, I would be paying about 3 hundred dollars more for rent.
I really hope my room mates in my new “group home” situation are going to be cool people.
I am going to visit my new home this Friday.
I’m kind of nervous about moving into a new situation.
Hope that you get things resolved soon @77nick77.
Is your comfort and security worth $300. more a month?
If your current situation can’t be fixed, maybe you could move back to the other place just until you find another that is better for you.
Good luck wave. The people here are actually quite cool. But the main problem is that some of them think they are too cool. A little confidence and thinking you’re too cool is a dangerous combination.
You are right Nick.
And Thanks.
I can’t afford an additional $300. And that’s a fact. But you’re right, this may still be fixable. I am just going to lay low for awhile and keep a low-profile and see what happens.
Sorry, that’s rough…everyone should be able to feel safe where they live…