Social networking for those tired of facebook

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I’m more into insta and Snapchat but restricted it. To only those I know. I find Facebook too much. Insta and snap is just limited to pics. Not the other drama. And Snapchat is me just being silly

I have another forum besides this one and friends on skype plus a website for streaming old toonami shows that has a chat and a discord.

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I just saw a manly social network all things pertaining to manly stuff

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Here is a list of virtual communities with more than 100 million active users. Facebook is at the top.



I tend to partcipate in specialized communities. You’ll find me in communities for photographers, podcasters, radio station automation, Pontiac Grand Am owners, Chevy Impala owners, etc. I like to go deep in specific topics.

I despise Facebook. Utterly. It makes me think we need to IQ test people before they are allowed online. Just … gawd.

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@shutterbug Facebook is for the younger generation. Wouldn’t be surprised if princess pixel started using Facebook.


Heh. Princess has informed me several times over that Facebook is an “old person thing” and that “Snapchat and Insta are where it’s at.” She doesn’t like Facebook because she has older relatives on it who are slipping cogs mentally and misinterpret and panic over innocuous things she posts. It’s where older family members stalk the younger ones, that’s for damn sure.

I’m finding that Facebook is too big. All the people I hated in high school keep finding me and my wife’s relatives are always trying to connect with me (arse off!).


@shutterbug LOL Highschool people finding you. Family members stalking you. But that is the point of Facebook which is to connect with friends and family. I guess Snapchat and Instagram are the new hype these days with kids.

Facebook is the biggest in terms of active user count. 2+ billion people are on it so lots of ad agencies will be aiming for your attention and wallet.


spyonyou is a great site to put all your information online and connect with friends and family :stuck_out_tongue:


I used to be the school drug dealer in my teens, which means that every so often some idiot I used to know PMs me and wants to know if I’m still “into it” and can help them score some “Mary Jane”. They’re always told to FOAD before I block them.

I don’t want to connect with most of my family and none of my wife’s family except for the one cousin she has who isn’t a complete nutbag. I’m mainly on Facebook now to support my photography sales and photography teaching plus volunteer efforts (community Net radio station).

FB went nuts after Trump was elected as a bunch of people who thought they were geniuses discovered they’re anything but and they’re now losing their crap publicly (read what Scott Adams has been posting about cognitive dissonance). I don’t talk politics on FB at all now – there are no reasonable and measured debates, just threats and histrionics.

@shutterbug I don’t think your wife would be too pleased if you sold cannabis to support you family. LOL

Many small businesses are promoting their products and or services on Facebook. If someone were to type “photography” on their search box, many photography business ads would show up but only those that are local.

Trump is a twitter social media “nut” and I have to say that I was rooting for Hillary to win. Trump just got rid of Steve Bannon and it’s a neverending story of who will leave or get fired. Running a government is definitely not like running a business.

I used to run a full-service studio, but tired of it. There are too many SAHM photographers who have a consumer level dSLR and are working on the side for prices that are too low. Those of us who own pro level gear, have full insurance, and costs commensurate with running an actual business can’t match their prices, which are all people are willing to pay now. I’m not willing to work for less than minimum wage, and that’s before my expenses come out.

Also, Bridezilla. And Mother of Bridezilla.

My photography page on Facebook now explicitly states that I do NOT offer these services, but I can still count on five reviews a week complaining that I don’t have a contact phone number or portrait pricing available. That’s why I say people should be IQ tested before they are allowed online.

As to marijuana… I hate it and I hate the people who use it. It is a VERY destructive substance. Also very addictive – I still crave it.

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All I’ll say is that I was rooting for both to lose, but it was obvious to me that Trump was going to win. There were no good choices in your last election, only bad and worse. Leaving this debate alone now out of respect for site rules.

@shutterbug I guess the transition from analog to digital photography has hit you really hard in the wallet. Pictures used to be paper based and then on to the computer. Now all pictures are held inside one’s smartphone.

I guess you do weddings and passport photos? Competition in the photography market must be fierce since there are so many vendors. There are those entering the photography market and exiting it. I guess you couldn’t exit the business since you have to support a family.

I tried a “joint” a couple of times… Made me cough and gave me a sore throat. I thin THC or T something C is more potent and better but more expensive.

@shutterbug After Obama, I guess the people would like to see how a billionaire would run a country. The economy is doing great. ISIS is no longer in Iraq but there are lingering problems like the DPRK.

Those graphs are almost 8 years old. Facebook went public 11 years ago. I don’t think those numbers are very relevant today.

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@anon9798425 I couldn’t find a newer population pyramid for Facebook users but I could guess the numbers would have changed in 7-8 years.

Facebook really did my head in. People posting too much (I did too) and I used to post things that were not neseasry and sometimes revealed my mood states. Like I posted depressing quotes. That’s less possible with Instagram and snapchat so the drama is kept to a minimum. I mostly post of things going on In my life. I like to think I’m an ok photographer with my phone and non dslr lol

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The numbers have evened out a lot. This is from last year, so the trend might have continued since then. Notice how the proportion of Facebook users in the 30-49 age group is about the same as in the 18-29 age group.

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