So, lemme know if this is textbook manipulation (TW Suicide)

So the friend I was telling you about, said that they had tried to hang themselves a few weeks back. But that talking to me makes them feel better, and they persist in extorting virtual hugs and ■■■■ from me and asking why I won’t when I don’t react warmly enough.

When a person hitches their happiness on the affections of another, I’m sorry, especially someone they don’t know, that reeks of manipulation. I don’t like it. I think I’ll just try and ignore them as best I can…

I hate thinking I might be contributing to their poor mental health, but they need to sort this out on their own. I’m not gonna be anyone’ anchor, I didn’t sign up for that.


I feel like you have the right attitude about this situation.

You’re clearly being manipulated by this person and are not responsible for their mental health.

Ignoring it is the best thing you can do.

Sounds like you’ve got it figured out.


I have a tendency to get really attached to people, but I am reluctant to talk about my struggles with them because I know I can be a little much at times. I mostly just let them talk about themselves and if I can relate to something they say, then I may bring one of my struggles up.

It took me quite a while to realize that I was leaning too heavily on certain people because no one told me. Instead they’d just stop talking to me and ignore my texts and I just couldn’t figure out why. I have no problem being someone’s rock, but that doesn’t mean that anyone wants to be mine.

If you don’t feel that you are able to remain in this relationship, then please get yourself out as quickly as you can. However, if you feel safe doing so, please tell this person that you can’t be their rock. Tell them as kindly but firmly as you can, that they are draining you emotionally because they rely too heavily on your companionship. Sure, they may be manipulating you, but alternatively, they may be unaware of their overbearing behavior.

Good luck, friend. Stay safe. :heart:


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