So, if you get 2,000 calories a day, between 900 and 1,300 calories should be from carbohydrates

Does anyone do this? It seems so hard.

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I’ve got to lose weight, so I should take less carbs and calories? I can’t seem to lose weight…it must be the meds.


Just eat the good carbs I guess.

The article also says to eat over 225 grams of carbs. I’m around 170 grams of carbs a day. I think it’s good enough.

I dunno i think there is a lot of conflicting ideologies out there for eating. Like meds i think it just comes down to what works for you and your body. Some people on here loose with high carb low fat low sugar some need high protien fat and low carb. I am personally starting to experiment. Currently eating 650 calories a day in protien fast carbs and slow carbs. About 60 20 20 %

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So my family is all obese. I’ve noticed I have to cut out gluten and dairy to lose weight anf be on a really strict diet. Can weight gain be due to genetic intolerance towards varied food consumption?. Meaning indigenous cultures are they inclined to have more trouble due to genetics to digest and rid these carbs naturally? Like say a caucasion person eats a bread and an indiginous say Aztec derived person ate the bread who matabolizes better is their such a thing as your indigenous race ethnic background something to adjust your diet to??. It’s like evolution… We crave sugars and salt, but those same evolutionary traits were reasons for variations in eye skin and hair. Those variations play into food consumption. So should diets be tailored to what your genetics say?..
Im a mix but my intolerance to gluten digesting and losing weight after eating has made me question these cal needs. My people were supposed to be “nomadic” they were dark skinned could sustain in the sun. So ther diets were farmed things natural foods protiens in small quantities hence migration patterns… So they traveled a lot!. But could understanding their native diets be beneficial to understanding your own body needs not a one size fits all kinda thing. I dunno. Seems like it could be a legit study for scientists focused on curing obesity…

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How long have you been trying to lose weight?
I’ve gained on meds, too.

My psychiatrist and family doctor want me to do the Keto diet which is low carb.

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It’s impossible @TheBest ! It’s like the salt you live well 1,5 g of salt a day, but you have a hedonistic sense for it! As well as for the other things in food…
So what can you do if you really want it.
List your goals and try it step by step until you reach it… Every step is challenging so don’t be to harsh on yourself! :wink:

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Yeah don’t worry so much about getting exact numbers. There is a website called myplate made by the government that shows you how much of your plate each meal should be full of what food group, and gives options for what foods you could pick for what food group. That is much easier to do.

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I honestly don’t have the attention span required to pay attention to things like that. I try to be mindful of what I eat and drink, but not to that extent. I know from past schooling that each and every person’s dietary requirements are different though.

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