Mortimer Mouse

People like @SzAdmin - @anon40540444 - and @Sparso have helped open my eyes.

Mortimermouse - First of all I just wanted to say that I was hurt more than anything else - I posted that I needed advice on something that has been bothering me, and your response was plain old insensitive - you have been very supportive in the past, even with me, plenty of times.
I realize that you are cocky, but I was very cocky at your age, which lasted well into my 30s - this is what Mania can do to me. You are young and I should have known better - I have been on this site for a long time, and should know better.
You did apologize to me for your insensitive post, but I have been ultrasensitive and irritable on the lower dose of Risperdal - I dont think that they are withdrawals at this point - this is me in a lowered medicated state.
I usually would let an insensitive post slide, but this time around I let my anger build up - I in good conscience should have accepted your apology at the time.

I actually do like you, and yes you have been supportive in the past, with me and other posters, you can be a bit me oriented, but this could be your way of surviving this horrible disease.

Mortimer - I want to apologize for lashing out at you the way I did - I am not really myself lately, because of the lowered Risperdal dose, but I should have accepted your apology at the time - you were big enough to admit that you were off the mark a bit, this does take maturity.

I am a bit upset and frustrated at myself - I should know better, and I am extending my hand out to you - After all we are here to vent and support and learn and give out advice.

I did not write this so that you would accept my apology - I am really doing this for myself as well - I keep repeating the words - “I should know better”


Yeah things got a little heated but I’m sure mouse didn’t take things to harshly. You can relax wave it’s just the Internet. Take care.

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No harm done, Rob. I would have your back in real life if we met. Like I said, I respect you. I am reactively aggressive, my doctors have taken note of it- perhaps I have the shortened allele monoamine oxidase gene- nicknamed “the warrior gene.”

I hope you get your meds straightened out and feel better. And your damn psychiatrist needs to call you back about now. LOL


It takes real heart to reach out and apologize. You’re doing the right thing @Wave. I’m sure @mortimermouse understands. Your meds are out of whack. That will ■■■■ anybody up. Throw in mania, psychotic symptoms and anxiety/OCD, and there’s a recipe for disaster. I hope your pdoc gets on top of this situation, and real quick like. Good on you buddy! Hang tough for the next few days and maybe take a break from the forums. :smiley:

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You are alright in my book Mortimer - you are alright :smiley:


No psychotic symptoms Greg, but plenty of anxiety, irritability and OCD!

I’d go see that pdoc of yours, get some refills, and ditch her. Find a new pdoc. This one smells fishy.

Dont they all :smile:
Well she did call me right away when I complained of terrible side effects, so we shall see.
Right now there are more positives than Negatives with her - I have to chill out a bit and maybe wait for my next appointment with her - its only in a couple of weeks

This is so big of you, Rob. I am glad that you and @mortimermouse have patched things up. I like both of you.


I have looked at some Mortimermouse images he has posted, I must say that he has developed some muscles, I wish I had those muscles :smile: