So as per doctors orders I went out today. Still feel a bit uncomfortable as it was to a pub. I worry people will think I am taking the benefits system for a ride

All we have in our village is a pub. No cafe, coffee shop, library or community centre. So the only place I can sit and have a coffee is the pub.

I just worry people on the street will think I am boozing all my money away and generally taking the benefits system for a ride. There is a quality about it being a pub which creates discomfort I wouldn’t have in a coffee shop.

My pdoc is always leaning on me to go out. He even went to the extent of saying I am prescribing you time in the pub.

Thing is the thought of undercover benefits agents watching me come in and out of the pub really upsets me. But not doing what the doc says and getting my ear bitten off by him at my appointments upsets me too.

Kinda stuck here with feeling I am not compliant with my care plan (and being booted off my docs list) if I don’t go out on one hand and going out to the pub but feeling extremely paranoid as a result.

Is hard in a way


I can see where that would be a hard choice. I sometimes wonder if Social Security here has people watching me. I hardly go out but I wonder if they’ll say i’m not disabled and take away my benefits. I think this is probably a paranoid thought, though. I wouldn’t worry too much about it if I were you. If you feel like going out then go out and get your coffee. If not, then don’t. But you have to do what’s right for you. And don’t worry about who’s watching you. Like me, it’s probably just a paranoid thought. I think you’ll be okay.


I think you have posted it again. Don’t you worry, buddy

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Yeah my pdoc says worrying about social security agents is entirely psychotic delusion down to illness. But I fundamentally don’t agree with that so we are kind of at an impasse.

Yeah have decided I am not going in the pub again. It causes overwhelming worry and discomfort. On a cost/benefit analysis it just not worth it.


Sorry for bringing this up again. I know I always am but I get stuck fast with this problem.

Is totally one step forward, two steps back

I think if it triggers paranoia it’s best not to go. Maybe there’s somewhere else you can go. Can you go to a movie or a grocery store?

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I live in a tiny village, more of a hamlet. There is no shop open. All we have is the pub.

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You’re in a hard place. Maybe when you feel better, you can try the pub again.

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I understand not going to the pub. But I don’t think people would judge you for going to the only place in town. How do you get your groceries?

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I get them delivered mostly.

Me too @anon94176359. Can a bus get you to the grocery store?

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