Met my pensioner friend for a coffee

It was in the local bar. I hate the fact it was in a pub but that’s the only place to buy coffee in my village. We have no coffee shops or community centres. Am unable to take public transport.

Anyway I had coffee. Was going well until this arsehole I know came in. I felt really vulnerable and weak and worried he would report me to the benefits people for being in a pub (even though I was only drinking coffee).

These thoughts follow me everywhere. I hate them. Was doing so well too.


Let the thought pass…!!!


They are just thoughts Jimbob. Even if this twat did report you I doubt very much if the benefits people would care if you were drinking coffee in a pub. You honestly have nothing to worry about, there is plenty evidence of how unwell you are even just on here, never mind what you and your doctors would have written on your benefits forms… no one is going to stop your benefits. Just chill, it’ll be fine.


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