So a man is in my house right now and says he is the plumber and needs to fix the boiler in my room

My landlady is not picking up the phone

This man, how am I just meant to trust him?

To come in my room

I’m waiting for my landlady to get back to me right now

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OK no worries guys.

She just told me he can come in my room

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That’s good…15151515

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Thankyou Jake

Yea it turns out the boiler is leaking :confused:

And has been leaking into downstairs neighbours house

Your welcome…15151515

One of my nightmares has come true. I hate boiler problems. And this boiler is in my bloody room.

I’m actually scared the house is going to blow up right now

Or carbon monoxide leak

I’m meant to be moving out on Sunday

But I just want to stay at my parent’s right now

But I need to pack.


I’m glad this guy is just a maintenance man. These days you can’t trust anyone.

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I’m glad you’re safe

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