Sketchy person knocked on my door

I have cameras outside my house. One at the front, one at the side and one at the back

Not too long ago, the front camera recorded a guy walking up my stairs, very gently knocking on my door, then walking down the stairs, waiting looking at my door, then walking away. But he didnt go to my neighbours house? He just walked away.. im paranoid. Look at the picture below I snapped.


He is clearly holding flyers or something in his hand. So maybe he was just handing things out and was harmless. Am I over thinking?


Either sales or a bible thumper. Not something to lose sleep over.


Yeah, just handing out flyers I’d say

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@shutterbug & @everhopeful - Yeah you guys are probably right. Thanks. Im feeling a bit more calm now. Thanks fellas.


I don’t understand why they keep bothering people?

They rang on my door when I was sleeping, I got up and opened and they gave me a flyer. It’s religion in your face. No wonder people hate them.


Yeah I agree. I can’t stand religion and especially people coming to my door about it.

It’s okay. The guy probably just had paperwork for you to sign…that you were sole heir to a lost cousin’s fortune. :laughing:


I have a sticker on my door saying no to all sorts of people

It’s the law here that they have to not knock on the door

Worked really well

Used to annoy me when people knocked the door when I was in meeting

Never happens now

Everyone seems to have home cctv these days


I used to be a Christian. I did some door-to-door preaching. Not a lot but some. I felt like it was my duty

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I think religion should be personal.

People bothering other people on the streets and going door to door causes people to hate them.

And I never liked organized religion either.

As I said the relationship one has with god or whatever is personal.