Corvus corax (Common Black Raven)
Corvus corax (Common Black Raven)
Another Raven…cool !
Here is a description of the Ravens attributes, and you’ll see why the Natives recognized this in me…also what doctors will call SZ…LOL
"Raven people have a duty to confront their own monsters and demons in order to bring greater light into themselves. Once they are well on that path, they find themselves being asked to turn time and again to those who are in need of their assistance and have in fact at some level called out to Raven for support and protection. Those who carry Raven medicine often feel that their lives are not their own but belong to a greater cause or higher plan, and though they may not understand fully where they are being led, they know they have a special destiny to fulfill. Sometimes this destiny fills them with a sense of loneliness, even sadness, for like those with Wolf as a totem, these people know they walk alone. It is not that Raven keeps us from those of like mind, nor does it mean they do not have family or friends, rather it is from a sense of knowing that one is to be a rebel, a trickster, the joker in the deck, to go forth and do that which others would call crazy or foolish so that the earth and all who inhabit her can continue to expand and evolve. And to do that no matter the consequences.
Raven is also about shapeshifting and mysticism. A shapeshifter is one that knows that this Earth walk is an illusion and that one, if one believes it, can travel through space and time in the blink of an eye to appear in any form that is appropriate to bring help and healing to another. Many who carry Raven medicine often appear younger than their years, another ability of shapeshifting. Raven medicine is both very Neptunian in that it feels very intensely what others are truly thinking and feeling, and Plutonian as it sees that which most would prefer to ignore. Both are crucial for learning how to shapeshift either the self or reality, for shapeshifting is the awareness of other levels of reality besides this one. For if a person refuses to see what is how can he or she change anything? Raven teaches us how to look at what we are experiencing in a whole new way and thus adapt to what is while working towards a more positive future. Ravens are clairvoyant, they carry messages from Spirit to those who are willing to hear and follow through on what they are shown. That is why so many Raven people feel isolated and alone, they know at any moment Spirit may call upon them to leave everything behind in order to work for the good of the whole. This is why when a Raven person makes a friend, they are loyal for life as they understand the true value of friendship and want to honour and enjoy every moment they have with those they love.
Those who carry Raven medicine often have powerful, life altering visions at key points in their lives. Ravens are said to be fond of crossroads as that is where their energy can be utilized by those who are seeking a new direction for their lives. When facing a new path it is often wise to call upon Raven medicine to show you if that is the true and correct path for you or not. This is not to say that the right path will always be easy, for Ravens in their role of guardian and protector of all they survey are often called upon to help set something right or bring it back into balance…"
I am a Canadian Goose. I used to see them all the time around the pond at my community college.
Some geese and goslings walked thru my yard yesterday! So cute all in a row.
How wonderful to have them in your own yard!
It’s just a Puffin in the vast ocean.
We used to see these at our favorite beach here in California. I like these.
I used to feed them at ponds around the city where I once lived…
This reminds me of something that happened about a month ago. I was walking on my road in the evening and 2 geese flew over just above treetop level, honking and heading south.
I said “hey, it’s spring. You’re going the wrong way!” But then I realized the river with some large pools is just a mile and a half strait south of me…and I think there are some farm ponds between here and there
Oh wow. Loons are actually really pretty…
I’m a sparrow that thinks it’s a big bad mocking bird that can take on cats…
Loons also have a cool song… hearing it 3D out on a lake in the evening is rather enchanting…but this vid is the best I can do.
I took these picture in '97…imagine hearing the Loon in that scenery… sort of haunting, but in a good way…
@mjseu Wow…I knew they could fish…but that? I thought the Flounder/sole off the bottom was good and how the Osprey just shakes himself off in flight like it’s nothing…but then the Salmon as big as he is and weighing more?
I’ve caught salmon myself and they are strong when they flop around…yet that bird just flies strait as the fish is wiggling trying to get away…awesome !
Ospreys used to be endangered birds in Finland. We have a summer cottage in one island and in another island there is one Osprey nest. They come always in the summer and get baby Ospreys and when the fall comes they migrate to south. Yes, Ospreys are great fishers. There used to be people to guard this nest so that egg collectors would not go there.
Brown thrashers used to scrabble around in the leaves around our house. I think the nests were in low lying bushes. They can fly but I almost always saw them on the ground. They weren’t that afraid of people in the house.
Saw these little beauties this weekend. Their called Muscovy Duck’s. Their raised for their eggs and meat.
They waddled through my yard again and I was ready with the camera.
Awwwwwww, how cute…
Bird watching is a hobby of mine. It is actually an old hobby - pre SZ days, I am back into it once again.
I love mourning doves - so I guess I would be this kind of bird