I was just dive bombed by a bird

I was standing out front and this really cool looking bird dive bombed me 3 times. I don’t know what I did to piss it off but apparently something. Then it went to a tree off in the distance to the left and a minute later it flew to the tree directly across from my apartment and acted like it was fighting another bird. Weirdo.


■■■■■■■ bird. Some birds like to pull out hair for their nests

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Was it a cat bird? Or mocking bird? My grandma called them cat birds because they’d dive on the cats and made sounds like a cat.


It’s probably just being protective of its nest. I see small black birds chasing off crows out back all the time, dive-bombing them and nipping at their heels

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I’m not sure what type of bird. It looked like a fighter plane.


I wonder where it’s nest is.

I just went out front to smoke again and it did the same thing and flew to that same tree. I bet it has a nest there. But I’m so far from it, why would it be dive bombing me? Weirdo bird.


It’s kinda scary

I can’t stand birds. I think my dislike for them stems from the time I had a family of pigeons living in my apartment ceiling.

@Leaf takes her kids for a walk in the neighborhood…



lol, I know right


I think it’s mad at you cos you didn’t share your coffee


My sister at first was doubting me, and she finally, finally, finally just saw the bird. He’s freaking out over some intruding seagulls and flying around all in a tither.

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