Showered with some body wash

First shower in my new apartment. Someone on this forum said body wash doesn’t leave rings in the tub like bar soap does. I washed my hair and body with it, and I like it. My scalp and rear end don’t itch like they do after using bar soap, so I’m going to use it from now on.


I use dove bar soap. I’ve never tried body wash. I tried Irish spring soap and that one I felt was more harsh on the skin. My tub gets grimy after a while I use the scrubbing bubbles to clean it.


I use bar soap exclusively. I switch it up between Zest and Irish Spring.

I tried body wash but I didn’t like it.

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Yeah, I like scrubbing with the bar of soap.

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I shower with body wash because my dad doesn’t want me to use bar soap in the shower.

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Thanks for responding @Rester @anon21849028 @BrianTex @Headspark


I always use body wash as it doesn’t dry out the skin as regular soap does.

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Washing hair with body wash? I thought that was illegal. Is this actually a real thing that you can do?

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Thanks @Speedy 1515

Well I did, and it worked. Thanks @rhizome

Sometimes I use body jelly from Lush, those smell amazing.

If anyone’s ever wondered what I smell like, it’s whoosh by lush.


Glad you found it too your liking.


Thanks @Ooorgle 1515

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This question has been nagging me ever since I joined the forum.


Lol. Hey an ooorgles got to ooorgle.

I love the stuff, it’s like lemon candy.

I know llama’s can get kinda funky, in many ways.



I use body wash and I took a shower 2 days in a row!


Thanks @Wave. I really liked it and am going to shower more now. In my old apartment, the water pressure is really low and the drain partially clogged so the water backs up into the tub. I’ve been reporting it for probably six months now, and it hasn’t been fixed.

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