i am showering everyday …i smell like a flower
" i love showering, yes i do "
" i love showering, yes i do "
" i smell like a flower in a field of green "
take care from the very clean
i am showering everyday …i smell like a flower
" i love showering, yes i do "
" i love showering, yes i do "
" i smell like a flower in a field of green "
take care from the very clean
Soap leaves the skin to dry for me. The dry skin leaves me too itchy when symptomatic jut adding to the confusion and frustration . So I switched to a body wash and loofah at one of my tdocs advice. Leaves me feeling extra clean and there is a pleasant scent in the body wash that lingers all day. Makes the whole showering experience a bit more fun also.
Bit like a rubber duck for showers.
Kudos for showering more btw. It adds to a better mental health
Dude ,
Lissen ,
Jus Take A Completely Cold Shower ,
it Wakes You Up and You Mite Think More Clearly ,
No Need To Spend A Fortune On Soap ,
Chill Run It Ice Cold and Wake Tha Flizzle Up (!!!)
Lets not despair, lets live in hope,
That one day you’ll discover soap.
Water “brrr”: ,
Truth “brrr” ,
Your Soap “grrr” ,
I’m An Alien ,
Please .
Don’t Churn .