I'm going for my monthly bath lol

yep, my monthly bath, what can i say? i am a dirty ■■■■■■■ lol


It’s about every 3 weeks to a month for me too!


i am so bad at self stuff, i havent had bread for over a month or snacks idk how i survive, i dont sweat much as i dont do any exercise and i regulate my temperature well. i am very clean for a dirty person (if that makes sense) lol


lol me too! :joy: 15


I only shower once a month and I don’t use body wash anymore


what do you use? i just use soup and shampoo/conditioner

i need a haircut as well


I don’t use anything in the shower anymore. I just shower once a month because I shave my head and beard once a month so then I shower and wash the hair off. I use arm and hammer deodorant.


If you don’t mind me asking @anon21849028
Why don’t you use soap or body wash?

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Because I’m lazy and don’t want to waste water. If I use bar soap I can shower in five minutes but my dad doesn’t want me to use bar soap because he says it clogs the drain. If I use body wash it takes me at least half an hour to shower for some reason even though I go as fast as I can and I don’t like wasting all that water.

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takes me 5 mins with the soap and its the hair that clogs the drain not the soap. I’m thinking of just showering though bc i dont like the bath much anyway, i tried to make it a thing but meh, shower is much better, less water and more efficient.


I don’t understand how you can go that long and not stink. I stink after 2 days. I guess I’m just a gross, disgusting pig.

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no its just different body chemistry Leaf, you are not like that, every person is different.

I average about 1 or less a month. :robot::robot::robot:


i don’t think its anything to be ashamed of, i have a very good sense of smell and i know when i need to wash, i wasn’t smelly but i was thinking it was a good time, i could have gone longer but it is what it is, i am a very hygienic person despite what people may think.

i dont need to use roll on or anti perspirant either, no after shave or deoderant

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My life is more scheduled now - I shower twice a week. But I remember going 3 months without bathing once.


I am the same way. :hatched_chick::hatched_chick::hatched_chick:

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i shower once to twice a week

usually its cause my mom tells me im gross and need to wash my hair especially in the summer

I could go a month with out shower if i lived alone


I usually shower every three days but recently that has changed. I’ve been having a bit of a low time so showering has become a weekly thing instead.


its strange because my hair holds up very well, it takes a long time before it gets dry and dandruffy and itchy (this is a definite indicator to shower) but i guess it depends on the weather idk

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Well I go in there every 2 to 3 days and either take a bath or do a sponge bath or use baby wipes. I’m not deluded into thinking I smell fine.