So.. why are you on this forum?

I am here because, frankly, I am low functioning and I have nothing better to do.
It is either this or just sitting on the sofa.
What about you?


Because to learn knowledge, get better, have fun. It is detrimental to me right now. I left my abilfy at my apartment and I’m at my parents house and I need to go get it to take it. I will leave in 5 minutes though. I’m also hungry and putting that off because of the forum. I probably have some appointment to do today but I can’t remember because I’m too focused on the forum. Darn it!


I like it! I feel like I know people here. I feel less alone for some reason. I just feel more understood, like I’m less of a freak.


I’m on Schizophrenia forum because i have schizophrenia


My watch leaves slow. Took 15 minutes but I’m leaving now.

My phone needed to charge more anyways.

I will leave Don Juan here he is asleep anyways.


I feel accepted here


When I was first hit by SZ everyone told me that they could use meds to “make me more comfortable”, but that I would never work, go to school, have a family, and to just give up thinking about those things. I would go to support groups and the “facilitator” (SPIT!) would point out the overmedicated, drooling lump in the corner and say something like, “look how well Rob’s doing!” The only rational response to that was to wish for death – the dude was a goddamned vegetable thanks to chemical lobotomy. I never had a single positive example of living with SZ early in my struggle with the illness.

I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by people who encouraged me to push for recovery anyhow. Now I have all of the things I was told I couldn’t have. Family, education, career, and a good life, which is where true comfort comes from. I’m here for every single person who can recover but has been told not to try. They need to know that you can do more than drool in a corner when you have SZ.


I look to you for inspiration. I’m also surrounded by people who are pushing me and not letting me give up. Have a job interview on Wednesday and have applied for college to study computer programming.


I didn’t have a good support system and quite frankly i am lured.


I am on this forum because I’d like to understand how others with schizophrenia deal with their medications, symptoms and psychiatrists. Also, I want to know what are the similarities and differences between schizophrenics.


@shutterbug unfortunately you were told these things for a reason.
Many unfortunate people don’t manage to recover.
You are a lucky man that you were able to recover.


It’s true. But I’d still hold great pride to overcome the odds.

I was a real bad case but always told I could recover. I wonder what determines their ability to say this. 2 years ago my doctor said I had some of the most difficult 5 years he’s ever seen. Now he says I’m a miracle or amazing. But he did instill hope in me to recover. I’m grateful for that because believing was part of the battle for sure.


I am here to gain knowledge, know about myself, feel close to reality, many other things that are useful to me and others. Mainly to be part of the system and experience life.


I’m here for insight, understanding, and knowledge. It’s a nice bonus to have a good community to talk to, who have similar struggles.


here because you guys are the only ones who understand what I’ve personally experienced and most of you don’t judge.

Here for companionship and sz networking

Here for the memes

Here to start a sz revolution to reduce stigma, end use of restraints on non-violent sz’s, end discrimination in the work place, and start a Utopia on the moon for our brethren to retire to.
Here for the Potato jokes


Yes, that many of the people who are mental health care providers are:

  1. Incompetent
  2. More concerned with their own job security than our recovery

Psychiatrists are usually pretty good, nurses, mostly as well. The ones lower on the food chain like therapists and social workers? Not so much. (And don’t get me started on psychologists – there’s a reason they’re not allowed to prescribe.)


Birds of a feather…everyone here has experienced similar things; none of us are strangers to mental illness, therefore we are kindred spirits although we are from all corners of the world.


@shutterbug I think you are taking your case and extrapolating to other cases.
Each case is unique, and I assure you that lots of people can’t recover,
no matter how hard they try.

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Not everyone will recover, but many who have been told they can’t recover have the capacity to. I’m here for them. If you’ve decided you’re not one of them, feel free to ignore what I post.


It’s Monday afternoon and I still have Schizophrenia.

I’m here, because I enjoy hearing myself type. :wink: