Should I start working?

Hello, I told my psychiatrist that I want to work but I have alot of suicide ideas and self harm ideas, so I don’t know if I’m read to work. My mother supports me and tells me that its ok even if I cannot work. But I feel bad about myself. I’ve thought that if I cannot work I’ll spend my time playing guitar, drawing, watch shows that Iilke and plaing video games, but I really want to improve on the guitar playing. What would you do if you were me? Would you start working?


Have you tried working? Most of us have a lot of failed attempts.

I have applied to dozens of jobs in the last few weeks. But I lost my last one.

I am on disability but I can make a lot more money working.

Everyone is different.

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No I haven’t tried working. I think I’m going to try for a few weeks to see how it goes.

Well you certainly don’t know whether you can or not if you haven’t tried.


Sure, give it a try, but give a lot of thought to what kind of work you want to do, and what you can handle.

I’d focus on working on yourself before getting into employment.

And i have many failures with mine history of working. Im tired and i do not like again to not succeed.

How you can work with this illnes? I dont belive in mine knowledge and good characteristics anymore. Im scared to start a new job.

And what is woring me is that im always hungry from this pills and on work i cant always eat.

Just because you are hungry doesnt mean you need to eat. Ive limited myself to 2 or 3 meals a day with no real snacks. I get very hungry but eat something small to manage my weight since i dont exercise.

I tried working and got fired. Twice. And had to quit due to constant work paranoia. Its really hard for me to deal with any type of stress so its better i just stay home. Try to be active at home before you decide to work. If you can get yourself to do things than go for a job.

I struggle getting myself to do anything. So i dont even try to look for jobs anymore. Just ways to make myself happy.

I am unable to work, simply because I lose attention/ my mind, because I’m burned out.

I didn’t practice guitar yesterday, I don’t think.

The way I look at it you are always working.

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