I’ve been pretty stable for awhile. I don’t see any med changes in my future. I’m all set with a place to live. I have a bunch of free time. What do you think?
if you can do it without getting too much stress then i’d go for it… but only if you really can do it. If you have doubts then i wouldn’t do it.
I’m also thinking about rejoining the workforce,
But have no idea where to start.
My resume is a disaster with all the gaps and rage quits I can’t put on there.
Not to mention all the times I got fired.
I know whatever I do, I’ll have to start from the bottom and probably part time.
I was thinking about applying for an position at Social Services as a Eligibility Specialist
That’s a really good idea.
I’m sure if you feel ready, you are ready.
Good luck out there!
I have no idea what kind of job I would apply for.
Probably something like pouring wine at one of these wineries or working at a nursery ( the plants one, not the baby one )
It’s up to you. If you believe in yourself, if you can remain strong when the going gets rough in other areas of life, then you are probably ready to branch out into the workaday world. Good luck to you, @Leaf
You can say you were helping care for your MIL in recent years and she has now passed, that’s why you have no current references.
That’s a great idea and true.
Truth is essential, dishonesty is acid that eats at the soul.
You should definitely try to work.
I applied for a county job and I just got notified that I qualify for the position and they have accepted my application and are moving me to the examination part of the process.
I’d give it a shot for sure
I was super nervous about starting a job again after my last experience. It actually surprised me how well things have been going. I struggled a little at the beginning but I’ve been able to keep my symptoms under control.
If things don’t work out it could just be a bad job for you, just keep that in mind. I’d say give it a week and see where things go, you got this
Thanks for the encouragement @CamDaddy
Start with volunteer work. If that goes well then consider part-time employment. Ease back into it, as it were.
I think it’s good to have a job. I currently work at a liquor store as a cashier. Having extra money is nice and it keeps me occupied. If I wasn’t at work I’d just be at home doing nothing. It does cause me some anxiety but I think it’s good for me. If you think you can do it I say go for it!
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