they are destroying my life and im am not stable. should i stay at home and rely on my family for support at this hard time or should i find a local place to rent and get a job and move out before they start targeting my family too. Thanks
edit: my social worker wants me to move out and get a job but i know im not stable
There have been times when I wished I had walked out the door, gotten a job, and become self supporting. I might have had to bed down on the street a few times, but I’ve done that a few times now, and, while dangerous, it isn’t that bad. It would probably be dangerous for you to go out among the elements now, because you’re probably on antipsychotic medication. They disrupt your body’s temperature regulation mechanisms, so that you would be more susceptible to heat stroke in summer and hypothermia in winter. Your body couldn’t withstand the weather, and that would take a lot of job possibilities away from you.