Should I go to the hospital?

Im feeling awful. Rundown, sweating, and just in general feeling like dogshite. Im so incredibly tired, but I cant sleep a wink. I may or may not have a fever. Im not sure but maybe its covid?

On top of that Im hallucinating again. Just whispers for now. However my paranoia is back full fukin force and I have the negative symptoms again of not being able to process words and really speak or understand what people are saying.

I was doing so well… Why now???

Call your dr to increase or change meds?
Also avoid drugs including weed and alcohol.

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For fever I recently bought a thermometer, its worth it.


Hey bro. Sorry to hear you are suffering. Maybe time to call your psychiatrist. Hopefully some of the sz symptoms will reduce as your physical illness gets better (this is the case for me anyway)


Thats just it, I havent drank today or smoked weed in weeks. I was feeling great until this.

Now that I think of it it comes in waves. A few hours decent, a few hours pure hell. Ive never experienced anything like this, except on amphetamines. But Im not high or even coming down, stone sober. And its very physical, but I keep thinking back to people I walked past on the street, thinking in references and all that.

Idk maybe that doesnt make sense but it gets worse and worse the longer I stay awake. Maybe its time for a sleep med. Gonna call the pdoc either way.

Thanks @Aziz and @anon94176359 try and hold out till wednesday, which is my next appt. Ill try and see what she thinks over the phone before then, maybe a lseep med is in order


I hope for the best for you. I do enjoy your music and want you to give good care to yourself.

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I took 75 mg hydroxyzine. Max dose for the day in one go. Hopefully that knocks me out. I just want to sleep.

Thanks chordy gla you like the music

I’m sorry this is happening to you. Do you have a thermometer to check your temperature?

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Yeah I would definitely get a thermometer.
Calling your psychiatrist is a good idea.
Hope you feel better soon @zwolfgang.

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Thanks @Wave and @LilyoftheValley Ill get one once the pharmacy opens.

I still havent slept but I feel much better now for some reason. Have I broken through or am I just manic lol that is the question


Hope you’re doing better zwolfgang. I always reserve the hospital as a last resort, as it scares me a bit. I hope it doesn’t get that bad for you.

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Hang in there, Z!

Talk to your family doctor or pdoc today…or go to Emerge if you are feeling really bummed out.

Keep us all posted, bro!

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Hope you start feeling better soon, @zwolfgang :sunflower:

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I’m thinking that maybe you should get tested for covid 19. Have you been within six feet of anyone not wearing a mask recently? I hope you get your med’s straightened out. Don’t be afraid to call for help if you can’t make it to your next appointment. Remember the crisis lines.

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Thanks so much for the advice and well wishes @agent101g @anon39054230 @Schztuna and @crimby

Im feeling a little better so Ive decided to keep my appointment on wednesday but I let the doc know whats been going on over the phone. Still havent slept, but I think I will be able to soon.

Thanks again guys, really appreciate the support and kind words!


I hope you stay feeling better.

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UPDATE: Doing much better now. Visited my doctor and got my meds refilled and updated. Slept like 16 hourrs last night lol. Gonna lay off the coffee from now on and make some lifestyle changes. All is well. Thanks for the concern and continued support!


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