I’m running a low grade fever, my back is in so much pain I feel like up chucking I hurt so bad
Lower back issues could be kidney related. Ask for a urine test at the doctor’s appointment.
They did a pee test on the 29th May @anon39054230
Okay. That’s good.
I hope they get to the bottom of this. Good luck!
Thank you @anon39054230
Oh man. I hope you feel better soon. Fevers are awful.
Hopefully you start to feel better. @Twialine
@LilyoftheValley @Natron yeah I feel awful
Have you taken any Tylenol or anything for the fever?
@LilyoftheValley no but I am keeping an eye on it… Of it hits 101 I’m going to the ER
You don’t need the ER for a 101 fever. Go if it’s over 102. Just take some medicine for the fever so it’s more manageable. You could also go to an urgent care office now instead of waiting for it to get higher so you end up needing the ER.
I haven’t seen either of my doctors in about 18 months. But I have spoken to them on the phone a few times.
Oh feel better @Twialine
@Wave I’m gonna try but right now I feel sick as a dog
Go to urgent care @Twialine
@Wave can’t afford it… I got an appointment in the morning I’ll be fine
Your insurance doesn’t cover urgent care? Usually, going to urgent care has the same copay as seeing your primary dr.
Yeah I was going to say, they accept the same insurance usually.
@LilyoftheValley @Wave idk I just don’t wanna move today
That’s ok. Get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluids