Should i go to hospital?

i wanna die. I can’t tolerate anything. voices tell me to die. is there anything doctors can do in the hospital? should i go?

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I would think so, if you feel that close to the edge!

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Yes, please go to the hospital now. They can do a lot to help you. I am very concerned for you.

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If you need to call yourself an ambulance that’s ok too. Be safe.

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Yes visit ur pdoc as soon as possible …!!! Its positive symptoms taking…may u need a med change…so trust ur doc and medication it will eventually work …take care and stay safe…!!!


Hi om_sadasiva… where are you in the world… definately go to hospital emergecy dept. stay there and wait till your seen… i know those waits can be long but you’ve definately got an emergency… i hope you will be ok but take your phone with you and keep us informaed so we know you’re ok…


in the hospitals nearby they dont have a psychiatrist in emergency. I have to go to a hospital in a big city. I cant wait. my nerves are not well.

Can someone drive you into the big city? Can you call an ambulance?

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Do you have a mobile urgent care mental health team in your area?

If you go to a local hospital, will they transfer you to a big city hospital? Please do not stay alone now. Who can you phone?

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Hey om plz share this thing with ur family …try to be strong …!!!


my father will drive me soon… thx for the support people!


Thank you for the update. Please keep us posted, if you can. We care.

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I fear they may poison me or control my mind or make experiments on me…

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I would say go to the hospital. They will help you get on the right med’s.


take your phone with you so if you are waiting you can check in on us and you can talk to us…


Sorry I’m a little late Om, but I hope you found the help you need. Things can only get better with the proper medication(s). Take care and please let us know how you’re doing. :v:

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the incident happened either because of weed or because I had decreased the antipsychotics.
now i am increased them.
I am better now. but still desperate…

Happy you feel at least a little better. Thanks for the update.

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Hospitals do different things for different people. I’ve been hospitalized 9 or 10 times but I always wait until I’m about to go stark raving mad at any second before I will go to hospital. Some people go in when they are just stressed and I little psychotic but still able to function but they go in for a tune-up or a rest or just a safe place to be until they feel better. The latter reasons are probably better than what I do though.

A hospital might adjust your meds and the nurses and orderlies are often friendly which can help a lot. They have a doctor who will try to help you and you can ask him questions.The criteria nowadays to be hospitalized is when someone feels like they are going to harm themselves or someone else.

The hospital will give you a room to relax in but unfortunately you might have a roommate. But hospitals often have recreational stuff for patients. They could have a pool table or a ping-pong table. They might have a backyard with a volleyball court or a a basketball court. They might have groups you like. Like art therapy, guided relaxation or meditation groups. Group therapy, music classes etc. Some hospitals have snacks in the refrigerator that you can help yourself to.

Who do you have around you? Do you have family or friends or a therapist or a psychiatrist or a case manager? If you do, than talk to them and get some feedback about how they feel you are doing. Sometimes people can see stuff about us that we can’t see ourselves. Its good to get a little input from someone on how they think you are doing. Don’t wait until the last minute to go. I do this but I don’t think its a good idea. If you feel safe in your home than maybe call people you know and trust and tell them you are going through a rough patch and you don’t feel well. Maybe they have some suggestions or maybe they can “talk you down” until you feel are in control. Some hospitals I have been in were nice, clean, modern, safe places. A few hospitals I’ve been in were so nice that it was like a vacation resort in a way.

But I never enjoy hospitals because of my state of mind and the reasons I’m in there. I’ve been in scary psyche wards too. Its not fun being somewhere where you are afraid to take a shower or go to sleep. But those were not my typical experiences with hospitals. By the way, cut out the weed. Its bad news for most schizophrenics and if you are having bad times on it when you smoke it, than the odds are good that is not going to change and you will keep having bad times. Take your medication as prescribed. Doctors aren’t perfect and they are not always right, but they went to medical schools for years and have an idea of how they can help you. If they prescribe something than follow their orders on how to take it and don’t tinker around yourself with the dosage or how often to take it.

If you are having medication problems then call the doctor don’t take it into your own hands. There are exceptions to this such as if you feel pain or dizzy or nausea or other strong side-effects but don’t just adjust your own meds at every little pain or uncomfortable feeling. Give the meds a chance to work. Good luck. Be careful.


If you’re afraid you will harm yourself yes go to the hospital. Better safe than sorry.