Recently a few weeks ago I cut my haldol pill in half and am taking 2.5 mg once a night. I was fine but today I have noticed that I’m having conversations in my head almost like some imaginary person is interviewing me and I’m mouthing words when I’m by myself . I usually get that at the start of psychosis. I just started a new job parking cars. I would love to stay on the 2.5 mg but I’m afraid 5 mg is the proper dose for me. Now my question is do you think it is withdrawals and will go away or do u think it’s going to get worse. I’m not delusional or hearing voices. I have a strong feeling it’s just the dopamine that was dampened is feeling less dampened and this will go away. The difference between me tapering off meds slowly now and my last hospitalization is that I am getting plenty of sleep and am taking all the right anti schizophrenic vitamins and only drinking two cups of coffee per day. Last hospitalization I was drinking at least 9 rockstar energy drinks per day and not sleeping and now I have a trazodone prescription and am getting plenty of sleep. I think the feeling will pass once my brain gets used to the dopamine and I think I should continue with 2.5 mg but what do you al think???
I’ve been doing a slow taper cutting down every 8 months. I started on ten milligrams.
You really should be having this conversation with your doctor
I agree with @everhopeful. Nobody here is qualified to give advice on med changes. Even if someone here was a doctor who was qualified, they don’t work with you so they wouldn’t be able to ethically make med changes for you. Bring it up to your doctor
Is 2.5 even a therapeutic dose?
2.5 is strong enough to have a marked effect on some people, but I agree with everyone else that he should talk to his doctor in person about this. I was once on 40 mg Haldol daily. That was horrible.
I took 95 mgs Haldol. I was also taking 8 mgs Risperidone and a third medication at the same time.
Wow! That’s incredible. How did that make you feel? If they want to put me on Haldol again they’ll have to catch me first.
I don’t remember because I wasn’t well. It certainly didn’t ameliorate the symptoms. I didn’t even know what side effects I was getting…
Haldol did squelch my symptoms, but it left me so unmotivated and unresponsive that I was really depressed. It felt horrible.
I know. I was deluded, paranoid, and having severe auditory hallucinations. Haldol probably contributed to the fact that I didn’t know what the hell was going on…
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