Should I follow the advice of eduvigis and give up my antipsychotic?

Dr Eduvigis has said I don’t need it. It’s not as though I’m ever as psychotic as other people here. If I ever think I’m psychotic it’s probably a false belief anyway.

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I assume you’re being sarcastic? :confused:

In any case, you should keeping taking the meds your (real) doctor prescribed for you.

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Yes I think so. Eat plenty of pizza and meditate.
Oh and don’t forget to bring us the news


Although I’ve stayed on my AP on the basis that others may see things I can’t see , that necessitates the need to be on it, I often question whether I need it.
I think perhaps quite a lot of us feel like this at times.
It doesn’t help when another poster suggests you don’t need it thus fuelling your doubts.
Luckily I have a measure of insight to know others may notice things I may not. What if it had been said to someone with less such insight.


I think this whole schizophrenia thing can be a never ending mind ■■■ such as thinking yeah I finally got some insight, etc but end up being just a deeper non insight disbelief view that is being believed to be insightful for once. That’s what I’ve been questioning to myself. I just wouldn’t stop taking the medication. Almost all people here end up having problems quickly after stopping.

People tell me I don’t need them ALL THE TIME, most people don’t believe I’m schizophrenic. But that’s because I’m on meds. Just ask your doctor to read back to you the summary you were given during your first visit and why you were there, and that will convince you to stay on meds. I do however believe that people can be off meds, but it takes the right balance and it’s hard to do

I’m not diagnosed with sz/sz-a but paranoid PD. It can involve more transient bouts of psychosis according to various descriptors …

This is a post I made entitled " Spoke to my nurse practitioner about medication"

Re my queries why I should be on it given my diagnosis. I said I wasn’t clear on the whole psychosis thing. She said well you have experienced paranoia. She also said in a past appointment I had mentioned thought insertion and weird thoughts.
I said I had sometimes thought of coming off meds but hadn’t because I was mindful others ie third parties.nurses etc might see things that I can not . She said it was good I had insight but that a lot of people don’t. They do ok on depot and then question whether they have been ill and stop the medication.

It seems her view is that I need it.

I can’'t remember directly saying I experienced thought insertion. What I did say is that pre being on regular meds I would get regular times,very much at bedtime, when I would get a lot of different phrases,unconnected to each other, flashing through my brain. Thoughts spoken in my head would be a good description

I’ve tried to quit meds, it just doesn’t work for me right now. I always slip back into psychosis, the weird thing is is that it takes up to like 9-12 months for it to happen after I stop taking meds

well if he is your doctor and he suggested it then i cant see why not?

I have no intention of stopping meds but I feel the same on them as I do off them. I am just as delusional. I think the meds keep the psychosis away although I am not 100% convinced about that either because I was on meds the last two times I went psychotic and to the hospital. I am not sure what they are doing for me but I am afraid not to take them.

never mind i see eduvigis is a profile on here lol

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I switched AP’s to a med that didn’t work, then I completely went off all meds for like a week.
When I went back on meds it was a very low dose.
I became Psychotic quickly and had to be Hospitalized twice in two months.
To be Honest, I’m still not 100 percent

Whatever you decide to do @firemonkey, proceed with Caution and don’t do anything without the consent of your psychiatrist.


:joy: Oh man, I must be tired, for some reason this made me laugh. Paging Dr. Ed…


Yes, the most qualified and sound advice comes from strangers over the internet :blush: That’s why so many people come here and the first thing they ask is for a diagnosis.


Edivulgis told me that I could fly and I almost tried it.
Don’t listen to that guy


He told me I could take a bullet. He wasn’t clear enough! :rage:

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Eduvigis real doctoral name is Sigivude. Dr. Sigivude MD. :scream::scream::scream::scream: :sunglasses:

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He said that if I drank three bottles of whisky I wouldn’t pass out, and I did, and I peed my pants.

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he said, Id take a grenade for ya. And he lied

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How high functioning were you before going on medication.