Shadow People

I apparently havent seen’em in a year or two. Even though I know they weren’t real when they appeared, my body would still get alarmed as it came floating toward me. They just catch me off guard. They were notorious for being spotted on my staircase for me. Anyone have any experiences with those?


The silhouette looks kind of like the guy floating down the hallway in my house, except he had a stovepipe hat and his clothes were all smooth. He was very tall, and the hat touched the ceiling as he glided down the hall, but his feet were not touching the ground.
Then there are the smokey, swirling faces, no bodies attached, that swirled and twisted like thick smoke traveling upwards. I saw them everyday in the fall, in the front room in my house reflected in the glass picture frames, at the same time, 4PM.

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i have dark angels who are dark with hoods over them, i saw their faces only a while ago, i always thought they were demons but they are actually good beings.
then there are the demons, who for all of my life were always dark in colour , now i see them more like a transluscent white , still screaming though in my face ,but the volume is on ’ off '.
take care


I have had a shadow man following me since I was 17 years old. For a while he was always outside of my house. Starting a couple years ago he has moved into the inside of my house. He looks like a a purple grey smoky image. Every once in a while he will make himself known to me, but always hides in the upper corners of my house, especially around the front door. Sometimes when I am alone in the house I can feel him watching me and when I see him it is usually at night, which doesn’t make me feel very safe at home. I have never heard of anyone else seeing similar shadow figures before. I thought that I was the only one who could see them. I do not know if that makes me feel better or worse.

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I get three “shadow people”. I call them Three Men In Coats, because they’re like conjoined triplets in shadow form. I saw them last I think the week before last. When I’m not on my meds, they come and put pictures in my head of things I have to do, and if I say no, they will punish me by twisting my bones inside my body. Praise the Sun for AP’s!

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I’ve seen some as well.

As i looked at it the first time directly in front of me i fainted, but not out of fear, it was like anasthesia.

Later i found out that shaman have used this technique before to operate on people sometimes. They can put people out like a light and the person doesn’t feel a thing.

Real or not, it came from a very real source and cause. Thats why i call them real, like real hallucinations you could say.

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Very true, very true. Sometimes with a sound, and sometimes with a light.

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I’ve never seen a shadow person. I can see visuals of people in detail


How detailed? Do you see the lines on their face? Eyes? A mouth?
Do they have any color? Do they act like real anxious people who just got caught with their hand in a cookie jar?

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They would look realistic - like real people, not shadows

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And they weren’t real?

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The one I saw looked exactly like the grim reaper. He even wore a fedora top hat. :tophat:

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Continue forward brother.

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Feel like real people in my body, had this happen about 15 years ago, really terrible with dates. I was sleeping and i felt someone try to get inside my body I tried to pray do everything it was terrorfying. The person inside my body after that tried to hurt/haunt me. Don’t know when the other people tried to get inside my body. Some of them harrassed me because of my intrusive thoughts. In comparison although very real they were worse than the original person/entity. I’ve seen shadow people/images but i thought they were more an illusion that someone was trying to create. Like a voodoo guy trying to follow me everywhere. I’ve seen shadows on the ceiling follow me around. A hunched man shadow in the bathroom of a church of all places. A shadow of a sphinx.

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I have photos of the shadow people. Clearly distinct upfront in your face images. Was my camera schizophrenic and off it’s medication too? The forum is not letting me upload the photographs, so contact me at if you would like to see them and discuss. I firmly believe doctors medicating something in many people (not all) that is more of a gift that a problem.

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I see shadow people, I also see visuals of people. Shadow people are creepy, i see them sometimes my mother in law says she sees them too. but i think she just tells me that to make fun of me. My dad has the same problem as me and he sees shadow people outside mainly running past the front window.

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When I was on Depakote, I saw shadow people. They had glowing red eyes, like coals. My cousin also saw them when he was on Depakote. I’ve haven’t seen them since I switched meds. Has anyone ever read John Dies at the End? When I read it I got totally freaked out, because he described them exactly the way I had seen them. Now reading this it’s even more freaky. Apparently they are pretty common.

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I have asked the same thing too. I don’t have pictures of shadow people but I have some UFOs, faeries, a gnome, and a lot of orbs.
I have only seen 2 shadow people that are actually fully formed shadows shaped like people. One appeared when a friend of mine was doing astral projection. the other was a ghost from the cemetery nearby.

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Good old disney, real family wholesome entertainment right there.

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Yessss, it was death defying. it was standing in the shadow of a door way, and i zoned out and started to listen. i head people in the room, obviously deep in they’re subconscious hidden memory’s a few of them where trying to coax it out, (literally i doubt anyone would remember, them talking to it) saying things like “why are you standing in the doorway?” and “you can come into the light.” omg they were terrified. i put on my sunglasses (late at night) and thought “deal with it.”

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