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Yes, you can ask about periods, pen8ses, anuses, whatever.
My advice to everyone is if you get pregnant or get a someone pregnant always get a paternity test.
Wow, that’s untrustworthy.
How is it logical if you have only one sexual partner?
Okay, sounds good.
I’m almost forty and I only masturbate about two times a week.
Is that normal for my age?
I’d rather take a simple test than take someone’s word they weren’t cheating lol, just in my experience. But I’m just a simple man don’t take what I say seriously. And masturbation is normal and healthy I do it everyday if I remember
I think it’s normal. My hubby’s sex drive has decreased considerably and he is around that age.
Yes, that’s perfectly normal. Testosterone drops off after 35, so going 2 times a week is still pretty good.
Edit- about 40 not 35.
If you have to make sure someone isn’t cheating, you shouldn’t be in a relationship with them in the first place.
I’ve told my husband if he ever wanted a paternity test that I’m happy to oblige. He told me he never would think such a thing or he wouldn’t have dsted me, much less married me.
I’m glad you had a good experience, even if it was my wife id still get a test, people are scandalous. From my experience I’ve had 3 girls try to fake a pregnancy/ make me the father of a random kid to keep me around, live and learn I guess.
@anon4362788 and @anon78876561
Thanks gals!
Sometimes I do it three times a week, but that’s pushing it a little bit.
I was a little worried my testosterone was too low, but that makes sense.
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I’m not going to follow that line of conversation because it’s off topic, but I’m sorry you had that happen.
From Harvard University:
In some men, testosterone levels remain high throughout life, but in most they begin to decline at about age 40. Unlike the precipitous drop in hormones that women experience at menopause, however, the decline in men is gradual, averaging just over 1% a year. This drop is imperceptible at first, but by age 70, the average man’s testosterone production is 30% below its peak. Still, testosterone levels remain within the normal range in at least 75% of older men, which is why many men can father children in their 80s and beyond
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Anyone know what the best medication is as far as which medication has the least sexual side effects? I take Clozaryl and Haldol and they seem okay.
Also, one of my voices says it’s bad to watch pornography, so I try my best not to watch it. Anyone else feel that pornography is bad?
Is it a sign of good mental health to wake up with an errection ?
All 9f them have an effect, as far as I know. Abilify and Aristada don’t seem to have a bad effect on mine like Invega and Risperdal did. But Abilify can cause hypersexuality for some.
And porn can be ok if it was made responsibly. Too much of it objectifies women, puts them in pain even, and has unrealistic sexual messages
How does this work for women & age & sex drive? How does our libido develop throughout life “normally”? What happens with menopause in this respect (except for a drop in hormones)?