Serquol and Anxiety

Im currently taking 300mg at night. But im still getting really anxious going outside. Just tried to do some shopping, even with earbuds playing - but the sweat was still pouring off me with the nerves. I simply cannot tolerate busy places.

Ive mentioned it to my CPN - but he didnt really seem bothered about it :frowning:

Does it help you with your Anxeity? Im thinking maybe i should half the dose and take 150 during the day?

Im sick of having to psych myself up just to get a loaf of bread - and consequently crapping myself.

No Response? :frowning: Oh well . I will half me dose.

The only thing seroquil gave me was intense ass twitching…

Sorry i cant help more…

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Anxiety is serious. Your CPN should listen to you. I have the same problem with mine, he doesn’t listen. I don’t know where Sussex Partnership get these people from

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I know exactly what you mean - im with the same Sussex Team as well mate.

They are not interested unless im overdue my jab. No permanant social worker since last november - so im constantly bloody repeatin myself to whoevers on duty that day.

i take Seroquel (quetiapine) 800 mg and it does me good…sorry to hear youre having problems

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I just cancelled all my appointments with them. I have had it with the response. I have needed help for weeks and nothing has happened

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Lol i would do the same, but i have to have me depot off them. Im on the 3rd shrink in 5 months - the turnover of staff here is bloody terrible.

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