Self worth or delusion of grandeur

There’s a line from a song :

“What I got in my head, you can’t buy steal or borrow”

Sometimes I get delusions of grandeur about this. Because my internal world is so colourful, I feel superior to normies sometimes. But Maybe it’s just a feeling of self worth.

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I see it more like everyone has aspects of their life that are fortunate and aspects of their life that are unfortunate. One aspect of my existence that I feel is very fortunate is how powerful, rich and vast my internal fantasy world is, that I can take favored pieces from external stimuli (art, video games, movies, music, real life experiences, etc) and construct my own world that is massive and tailored perfectly to me as far as being meaningful, interesting, different types of beautiful and so on, and then spend time inside my own mind experiencing it almost as though it is real. That I can imagine a smell and actually smell it in terms of what my brain perceives, even if there are no molecules of that smell actually entering my nose. Whereas some people seem to live in an existence that never extends beyond their 9-5 office environment and eating dinner in front of a TV in their living room.

But then there are also many people who experience just as strong a sense of fulfillment in their day to day lives, whether it’s their career, friends, family, hobbies or some combination. Many of them are even more fulfilled than I am, in a way that is natural, down to earth and simple. They remind me of birds, in a way. And admittedly sometimes I am jealous of birds, while at times I find the idea of being anything other than what I am, even a perfectly carefree bird, to be a horrifying thought. So some jealousy and some fear combines in a way, and then given that I tend to be narcissistic in my own ways, sometimes that leads to a feeling of looking down on others.


I don’t think we’re superior than normies. But many of us have suffered a lot. It gives us some comprehension. We won’t judge people so easily because we understand what suffering really is.

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Many of them are even more fulfilled than I am, in a way that is natural, down to earth and simple.

You’re right, it’s about fulfilment . What fulfils one wouldn’t suit somebody else.